#dev 2024-01-29
2024-01-29 UTC
colinbate joined the channel; colinbate left the channel
[tantek] on another topic, per weirdwriter post in #indieweb-stream https://chat.indieweb.org/stream/2024-01-29/1706490001758500 do we need a new h-* microformat for (hierarchical) lists that do not represent a "feed" per se? just as RSS and OPML are different formats, h-feed and h-????

[tantek] one consuming use-case (in addition to weirdwriter's auto-updating) is to detect a blogroll or list (possibly multiple) of friends, followers, followings, subscriptions on a page like a home page distinct from feeds of information (like a post stream, event stream, recent articles/photos streams) and use that blogroll/list as a source for discovery, recommendations, vouching, following/subscribing etc.

[snarfed] maybe "The prevailing idea on marking up collection posts is that a collection is an h-entry that contains children h-entries." ? https://indieweb.org/collection#how_to_markup_2
Loqi NAS is a Network Attached Storage device, either a purpose-built computer or an embedded system which shares storage over a network https://indieweb.org/NAS

[campegg], [Caleb_Hearth] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
kody, [aciccarello], wagle, rerek-21 and tPoltergeist joined the channel; rerek-21 left the channel
[KevinMarks] That use case sounds exactly like xoxo, which is a more lightweight way of doing nested lists, and we came up with it as a counterpoint to OPML (which has some very annoying characteristics)

kody_, sebsel and tPoltergeist joined the channel
pfotenhauer Hi there, can anyone help me to log in to https://xn--sr8hvo.ws/ or webmention.io via IndieAuth? I have no problems with indieauth.com but with all services that use indielogin.com. I now have a selfauth installation as authorisation_endpoint. Previously I used the indieauth.com service, which didn't work either.
pfotenhauer This is in my `html` head:
pfotenhauer ```
pfotenhauer <link rel="me" href="https://github.com/pftnhr">
pfotenhauer ```
pfotenhauer Thank you! It really was.
tPoltergeist and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[Paul_Robert_Ll] Impressive sleuthing sknebel++
[jacky] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] new static maps tool from Stadia https://stadiamaps.com/build-a-map/

CRISPR and jaythefox joined the channel
trentsk[d], CRISPR, tPoltergeist and [snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] maybe we should have http://IndieWebify.me flag any ?xml as a RED error since it does break some consuming clients.

tPoltergeist, [campegg], Renfield and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
pfotenhauer indieauth.com has no problem with this
pfotenhauer Ah, ok. Are there plans to agree on a standardised format for the parsers? This could possibly make it easier to get started.
pfotenhauer All right
pfotenhauer <body class="h-card vcard blog">
pfotenhauer <main class="h-feed container">
pfotenhauer ```
pfotenhauer <header>...</header>
pfotenhauer <article class="h-entry">
pfotenhauer <header>
pfotenhauer But I already have the next "problem": indiewebify.me does not find `h-entry` in my source code, although it is there:
pfotenhauer <h1 class="p-name">...</h1>
pfotenhauer </header>
pfotenhauer <div class="e-content articleContent">...</div>
pfotenhauer </article>
pfotenhauer <article class="h-entry">
pfotenhauer [edit] But I already have the next "problem": indiewebify.me does not find `h-entry` in my source code, although it is there:
pfotenhauer <header>...</header>
pfotenhauer ```
pfotenhauer <body class="h-card vcard blog">
pfotenhauer <main class="h-feed container">
pfotenhauer <article class="h-entry">
pfotenhauer <header>
pfotenhauer <h1 class="p-name">...</h1>
pfotenhauer </header>
pfotenhauer <div class="e-content articleContent">...</div>
pfotenhauer </article>
pfotenhauer <article class="h-entry">
pfotenhauer Got it. The `h-card` was around it.
eitilt and Renfield joined the channel
[KevinMarks] aha, right - indiewebify doesn't look for nested items.

gRegor, CRISPR, [tantek], gRegorLove_, [Al_Abut], gxt, Scott1 and kody joined the channel