#dev 2024-02-29

2024-02-29 UTC
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
ok, I added "https://nuejs.org/blog/tailwind-misinformation-engine/" to the "See Also" section of /Tailwind https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=93524&oldid=93509
burley joined the channel
wow 🍿
to2ds joined the channel
I'll be convinced when no external CSS files are required and everything is done in the style attribute instead 😄
conzeit and [Caleb_Hearth] joined the channel
capjames++ very neat
capjames has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
capjamesg has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (168 in all channels)
This is neat, alternative front end for Github, no JS: https://gothub.frontendfriendly.xyz/ (and great name, lol)
geoffo and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I liked that toot thread about the insane skyscraper-like architecture of frontend stuff these days. It’s honestly why I let my js skills atrophy away - everything I created at work always took at least 1-3 dedicated devs to implement.
bterry1, [lcs], burley, geoffo and directiv[d] joined the channel
As an outsider with no skin in the game, it feels like the semantic vs Tailwind discussion is just a rehash of the same old discussions that front end developers had decades back. The debate is seemingly about the exact same approaches and principles that people were arguning about back in the early 2000s.
Quite fascinating to observe from afar.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Is the "indieweb.txt" something really used? (https://indieweb.org/indieweb.txt)
I don't think so.
burley joined the channel
rolle joined the channel
[preview] Serving my blog posts as Linux manual pages
Guest6 and [Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
I have no memory of indieweb.txt but it sounds kind of silly
capjamesg++ - love your blog posts as man pages
capjamesg has 45 karma in this channel over the last year (169 in all channels)
burley joined the channel
[capjamesg] any plans to parse the markdown content to better suit the man page format? (like making headings bold and uppercase or something – not sure what are all the formatting man pages allow). seems like a big endeavour on its own (personally i've never tackled custom markdown parsing, but it sure is a topic i would like to explore one day). just wondering what are your thoughts on that.
I thought about it, but it would be a fair bit of effort.
man page all the things!
!meme man page all the things!
hmmm, definitely don't know how to make loqi generate memes
Oh darn that should have worked
burley_, [manton], mahboubine and ttybitnik joined the channel
@ttybitnik if i understood correctly, because diego (https://github.com/ttybitnik/diego) is a CLI tool, it can be used in any stack to import data from 3rd party services because:
• hugo data files are very conventional, widely used formats (json, yaml _etc_)
(yay for standard formats, CLI tools and UNIX philosophy)
• `diego set hugodir` could be generalized to "output dir"
not too familiar with hugo, so let me know if there's anything else that specifically ties this to hugo and not a general data importing tool
[preview] [ttybitnik] diego: A CLI tool for importing and utilizing exported social media data from popular services on Hugo websites.
[Joao_Paulo_Pes]: Interesting! I think I tied it to Hugo because it's what I'm familiar with and it would be easier for me to maintain. (This is my debut in releasing open-source as well hehe)
[Joao_Paulo_Pes]: But indeed. I think it could be expanded to other stacks as well.
@ttybitnik really impressive! love the docs and the autocompletions. will definitely try out when i want to import imdb data to my site (which is currently using a custom static site generator built from scratch)
ps: hi from a fellow mineiro 🔺
[Joao_Paulo_Pes]: Haha thanks! Let me know if you find any issues
[Joao_Paulo_Pes]: (Oh! Greetings hehe)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
aaronpk, I remember the indieweb.txt proposal session at IWC Brighton and being skeptical then but figured it was ok to document it on the wiki
it hasn't had any uptake/interest since so it's largely historical at this point.
the definition etc. could be improved to note that historical context / lack of interest.
geoffo joined the channel
[Joao_Paulo_Pes]: I checked it here. Basically, to use it with your static generator, you would have to bypass a validation for the `diego import` command. `diego import` checks if the cwd or the --hugodir have the basic Hugo directories before running the logic.
[Joao_Paulo_Pes]: The error itself will display which directories are missing, if you create them you should be fine to bypass this validation and run the command. Feature-wise, only the --shortcode command would be specific to Hugo, since it uses golang inside the HTML.
with all the Tailwind/Semantic CSS 🍿 , I found this article at least entertaining https://www.spicyweb.dev/css-nouveau/1-vanilla-has-never-tasted-so-hot/ especially the section on CSS Resets 😂
I use a "CSS reset" on my personal site, and have for a long time, since I came up with the idea (originally proposed and I still use a file name of undohtml.css) and I'm very tempted to reply to https://www.spicyweb.dev/css-nouveau/1-vanilla-has-never-tasted-so-hot/2-the-new-css-reset/ "Or is it simply inertia, force of habit, a thing you do because you’re “supposed” to? _(Thus sayeth the CSS gods. So let it be written, so let it be
done.)"_ 😂
Has anyone ever built a Matrix to Micropub/sub bridge before?
@ttybitnik thanks for the analysis! nice to know that it could be adapted to other scenarios
> [tantek] I'm very tempted to reply
would love to hear your take on it
[snarfed] and [qubyte] joined the channel
Is there a current de facto standard CSS reset these days? I’ve not touched that code on my site in ages and it’s probably long overdue some attention.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I stripped out a lot of my CSS reset since half of it was IE related
shoesNsocks and [Murray] joined the channel
[qubyte] definitive? not really. I'm a fan of Andy Bell's though: https://piccalil.li/blog/a-more-modern-css-reset/. I also agree with a lot of what Josh Comeau says here: https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/custom-css-reset/
I would be interested to see where that Spicy Web article is heading, but not at $50 😄
qubyte I've kept mine quite small. latest is https://tantek.com/2024/undohtml.css
[Murray] I only read the freely viewable parts of the Spicy Web article(s)
I actually opened a branch with Andy’s reset in recently and apparently forgot!
Thanks for the links folks! I’ll study them this evening.
I think a lot of these "resets" are going beyond what is a reset, and into expressing some default design opinions, which IMO should be separated into a different style sheet
This criticism was also observed in the spicy vanilla article
Perhaps I shouldn’t even have one. Maybe just a few rules for the most egregious divergences. I use a system font stack anyway, so I’m not going for _looks the same everywhere_.
the point of a reset is not a "clean" visual design. the point of a reset is to remove default browser styles that may interfere with creating a clean visual design
e.g. I have a separate minimal style sheet for expressing some opinions of a clean visual design baseline, which is simplified by depending on the prior reset: https://tantek.com/2024/elementica.css
this is something I should probably blog about. the split between reset, simple clean element visual design, and then whatever class-based styling system you build for your specific use-case, page, site, app whatever
this modularity has helped me solve each of those specific problems better IMO, without having to worry about all of them all the time
Yeah I can understand that point, but I do disagree. I see a reset as something which _modernises_ the default browser stylesheet. That will likely include overriding some aspects, whilst also applying preferred or beneficial defaults to various elements, and more modern CSS techniques that benefit overall development. I can see some pros to splitting it, but ultimately, I'd end up applying both stylesheets every time, doubling the requests,
seems like more faff 🤷
gRegor, bterry and jacky joined the channel
Agreed about applying both stylesheets every time, doubling the requests, except that in my experience at least it's been a negligible impact on perf and thus not worth the trade-off in complexity of a serverside-compile-and-return-one-stylesheet setup/tooling which is whole nother kind of faff 🤷‍♂️
though I suppose I could just make an all-the-css.php that does a few includes 🙂
with large dashed line comments between the files so anyone using view source could easily see the separate CSS files that were concatenated
to2ds joined the channel
capjamesg - Glad the notes were helpful. Thank you for the shoutout!
capjamesg - Will try to send a webmention, possibly delayed. It will be my current prototype's maiden voyage :D
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
i used to write my css as php files :)
back before css variables were a thing
that was the most reliable way to make custom themes
(blinks back in time at Shutterstock when that was done a lot too)
gRegorLove__, gRegor and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
what was indieweb.txt
indieweb.txt was a brainstorm proposal (discussed at IndieWebCamp Brighton 2015) for a plain-text-based something.txt approach to allow IndieWeb site owners to share information about their tools, strategies, features, and motivations; no known implementations or examples https://indieweb.org/indieweb.txt
bacardi55[m] ^ dfn and page updated
[tantek] maybe I’m exactly the target audience for this but I love the standup comedy bits in your reset. _“who thought blue linked image borders were a good idea?”_
lol. I'm a big believer in code comments for humorous rants
Agreed. Especially when they’re tone-matched to the era of the content. Seinfeldesque questions for 90’s era return to html simplicity.
Whereas my internal learning dialogue is a little more like Carlin’s famous 7 bad words.
burley joined the channel
[Murray]: Yes I meant to ignore the padding 😄
Well, Eiffel 65's "Blue" was really popular you see... ;)
[Murray]: Thanks Murray! This is really helpful
One thing I've realized is that "reset" means different things to different people
what is css reset
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to format the display of HTML https://indieweb.org/CSS_reset
which makes me less regretful about my more precise (even if less "popular" or "resonant") name of "undo html css"
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
If anyone wants to add resources/thoughts there ^
to2ds joined the channel
In the voice of Carlin - "Did you ever get fired after forgetting to remove that comment about your boss or company before checking in the code?"
oh yeah, such comments are only for personal projects. keep the corporate code dry
I think they should be called "commvents."
Nice to see CSS as a subject on IRC :)
CSS has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
@to2ds “commvents”! That’s genius.
[Al_Abut] - Thank you.
Carlin's humor was amazing and the perfect inner attitude/voice for a programmer 😄
CSS++ is to CSS as C++ is to C?
CSS has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
CSS has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
jacky, geoffo and [tantek] joined the channel
I want a style sheet / source code view that provides a red background or border around anything outside ASCII7
use-case: would have immediately highlighted the bad HTML comment closing tag we struggled with in #indieweb-meta
[Joe_Crawford] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (24 in all channels)
I have my time machine, which says that I haven't posted on a leap day.
[preview] [Joe Crawford] Have I ever posted on Leap Day?
geoffo and petermolnar joined the channel
burley and to2ds joined the channel
capjamesg - Very cool and inspiring. Don't think I've ever created a deb package on my own.
You can fork that one and make one in five minutes.
You'll need to replace jamesg.blog with something else, though 😄
That tip just saved me hours of debugging! 😄
chimo, AramZS and jacky joined the channel
That deadline is close haha.
35 minutes
I do want to give a talk on ML in the browser.
Dash off an outline
I just sent a "20 years of Microformats" talk
Anyone else who is interested, you've got 30 minutes to fill out an application 😄
(Happy to help if you need me!)
i'm tempted to submit something about oauth haha
Go for it, we can all hang out in Middlesbrough
to2ds joined the channel
Your travel would be pricier than mine as I'm on my bike.
make sure you save enough time to complete the captcha at the end 😂
AramZS and burley joined the channel