#dev 2024-03-05

2024-03-05 UTC
barnaby and [tantek] joined the channel
this sounded like it would be of interest to folks here: https://github.com/HTTPArchive/almanac.httparchive.org/discussions/3619
Let's get some IndieWeb contributions to Web Almanac 2024! [snarfed] all your Bridgy stats would probably be a great addition
burley joined the channel
time to write-up my auto-linker improvements, along with the new @-mention use-cases they enable
jacky and burley joined the channel
gRegor, looks like those replies didn't get backfed because the original URL https://gregorlove.com/2024/03/dissapointed-but-not-surprised/ for https://techhub.social/@gregorlove.com@gregorlove.com/112023482038542347 seems wrong and doesn't advertise a wm endpoint
burley_ joined the channel
ohh, I fixed a typo and it redirected
typo in the URL
makes sense
IWSlackGateway, [Murray]1, [snarfed]1, [schmarty]1, [tantek]1, [jeremycherfas]1, [aaronpk]1, [Al_Abut]1, [kimberlyhirsh]1, [lcs]1, [dominik]1, AramZS, [Paul_Robert_Ll], [0x3b0b], [aciccarello], jjuran, burley, [Ana_R], [qubyte], ttybitnik, [Tilley], nertzy, Guest6, [lcs], jacky, rrix, [KevinMarks], [dominik], eitilt, [Murray] and tryinbrian joined the channel
just seeing this, vikanezrimaya; this is cool! https://fireburn.ru/posts/bB4Npm2
the kind of stuff I'm hoping to help upstream into the rust indieweb library
hit a small wall with the rust refactor https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/issues/21 has the notes, https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/tree/feature/rewrite-parser?ref_type=heads the code (mainly getting stuck on extracting inner HTML and the like, only implied name tests are passing)
[Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
looking at https://indieweb.org/2011/Smallest_Federated_Wiki, it looks like there was a good amount of effort put into this
shoesNsocks joined the channel
yes! i don't understand it completely but looks incredible. found the website in a search for a random thing and was really intrigued by it http://forage.ward.fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors
from the creator of the first wiki (which is awesome on it's own): https://wiki.c2.com/
[campegg] and [Doc_Pop] joined the channel
I've spent too much time on c2 lol
ttybitnik joined the channel
it was great having Ward at the first IWC
thanks jacky. I still want that 😂
[Joe_Crawford], mahboubine, lagomorph_, jacky, angelo, tryinbrian, [0x3b0b], geoffo and superkuh joined the channel