#dev 2024-03-08

2024-03-08 UTC
burley, gRegor, geoffo, [snarfed] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
because "molly" wasn't available? 🀷
jjuran, [Ana_R], geoffo, sebbu2, [tantek], [qubyte], barnaby, samboyer, [lcs] and to2ds joined the channel
Or even 0xfff?
geoffo and ttybitnik joined the channel
Makes even more sense
to2ds joined the channel
Wonder if rgb(255,255,255) was taken too? πŸ˜„
On a more serious note, does webmention.io remove the data record if a 404 or 410 is returned for a subsequent webmention?
Sent out several webmentions yesterday that were for bookmarks, but they were technically incorrect, and I'd like to try again.
[Paul_Robert_Ll], AramZS and [schmarty] joined the channel
geoffo, paotsaq and to2ds joined the channel
[schmarty]: Thank you. Can't remember where I read it (maybe the spec?) that both 404 and 410 were supported. The webmentions themselves are actually static HTML files, so I could probably default the associated web server not found rule to the 410 status code whether the actual webmention ever existed or not should they be removed for whatever reason.
what is http-equiv?
meta http-equiv status is an HTML extension specification that adds the "Status" value to the existing meta element's http-equiv attribute as a method for representing the HTTP Status code https://indieweb.org/http-equiv
you can also do that
aaronpk: Thank you. Appears today will be another intense learning session :)
i'm 90% sure webmention.io supports that, if not it is a good feature request. but generally that's how a static site can support HTTP 410 without fiddling with the web server
[Tilley] joined the channel
Here's a problem someone might find interesting. jsonfeed.org recommends that online feed readers pass a subscriber count in the user agent string when fetching a feed. Dynamically altering the UA string would be overly complicated for my setup though. Is there a standard or recommended HTTP header for that?
jacky joined the channel
I dont think so, afaik user agent is the most common way (predates jsonfeed)
is there something like http-equiv for RSS?
[Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
Well, I suppose I can put the UA string on the to-do list for later, but I don't want to get sidetracked with stuff like that while I'm trying to get ready for launch.
I was thinking a GET variable even, but you never know how that may affect somebody's feed request handler.
[calumryan] and paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
real_devastatia - unless you have a clear consuming case (like you know of a popular analytics tool that knows how to look for these on more than a case-by-case basis) that seems very safe to postpone for later!
Ran into a downside of aggressive anti-spam on Wordpress: sending a webmention a second time seemed to get my IP flagged as spam.
So got a 503, didn't even accept the webmention. Ah well, tried to leave it as a comment, will see if Akismet also flags me :)
to2ds joined the channel
http-equiv has 1 karma over the last year
indieweb.org could one day become indieweb.edu?
yeah subscriber count in User-Agent when feed fetching has been around forever with FeedBurner. it always seems like a nice hack, but niche, I don't know that much has ever come of it?
and also seems orthogonal to any specific feed format like JSON Feed
paulrobertlloyd, gxt_, jacky and barnaby joined the channel
gRegor to a WP self-hosted or WP .com?
to2ds what problem are you trying to solve with a .edu domain name?
self hosted
that's concerning. sounds like something worth filing an issue on the WP Webmention Plugin for
It may be out of its control, like WordFence is a popular security plugin that can flag/limit interactions
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
I asked a few days ago about the necessity of the gist here: https://indieweb.org/WordPress_Webmention_Plugin#Automatically_approving -- it was unclear.
Not sure this person has that plugin, just a popular one I'm familiar with
That was in IndieWeb #indieweb-wordpress channel
That's a bit different, that's once the wm is in wordpress. Mine was rejected earlier in the process
In my limited experience, a snippet like that is still a good idea. Otherwise a lot of webmentions get caught as spam. I use https://gist.github.com/gRegorLove/8215cb9c9584b364aaf4ef2999416f56 on a friend's site
I want to revisit the moderation code entirely.
Because I know [pfefferle] just made a commit about it
gRegor wait were you able to do automatic endpoint discovery at least or was that blocked too?
Discovery worked ok. It was a 503 response when sending the source and target to it
[Fran] joined the channel
[preview] [Matthew Brown] All the (active) sites using Webmention that I found so far [March 2024] Readers with long memories will remember my post β€œAll the (active) sites using Webmention that I find (sic) so far” – the May 2022 edition and then the June 2022 edition.... https://lordmatt.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2023/12/H_IMG_9816-scaled.jpg
And the wp-json endpoint responded with something like "your IP has been flagged as spam/malicious"
I did send him a successful wm back in May 2022. interesting
It looks like that page on lordmatt co uk is returning JSON for me. Activitystream data.
conneg fail?
I guess. Or a caching layer that stashed the wrong thing. I’m using plain Safari on iOS iPad. Switched to a Private window got same thing.
conneg-- fail
conneg has -16 karma in this channel over the last year (-19 in all channels)
oh is it on cloudflare?
Think they are running the WP AP plugin
[preview] [uk3] #580 WordPress sometimes returns JSON to a Webbrowser instead of the HTML page.
conneg has -17 karma in this channel over the last year (-20 in all channels)
haha "steps to reproduce No idea 🀷"
conneg has -18 karma in this channel over the last year (-21 in all channels)
wait the blog post that documents sites using Webmentions itself is having trouble receiving Webmentions, did I understand that correctly?
LordMatt join us and let's figure this out!
heh, well at least *my* webmention, this time, yes.
I did end up sending it twice in short succession, and my reply has 3 links in it, so I was guessing it got flagged by something as spam, but just a guess.
And none of the links were about online gambling, promise
[preview] [gRegor Morrill] Awesome! Here's a few more good sources: indiemap, a 2017 crawl of over 2300 sites. The indieweb.org chat names is a self-selecting list of community members and links to their sites. Not all of them support Webmention, but a good portion of them pro...
[campegg] joined the channel
LordMatt is an acquaintance of mine from the NucleusCMS dev forums, we exchanged a couple webmentions May 2022 so I know it's worked at some point. Encouraged him to check out an HWC but don't know if he's been to HWC EU yet
what is openmentions
Open Mentions is a syndication service organized into topics to help with content discovery https://indieweb.org/openmentions
he also set up that
jacky joined the channel
This looks interesting, both as a substitute for Twitter embeds, and a project to contribute to (mf2 etc.) https://github.com/FixTweet/FxTwitter
Hmm, and I got a 503 just trying to send a wm to Joe. Wonder if my site IP is on a list. I used the form on his page and it sent OK.
Need to expand my logging, don't have much beyond the 503
[Joe_Crawford], do you have WordFence or a similar plugin that might return that?
I do have wordfence yes. And Akismet.
Your comment showed up
Wonder if wordfence has any logs related to me
Only after I used the form on the bottom of the page
When my site tried to send it directly (lazy cron), got 503 service unavailable