#dev 2024-04-22

2024-04-22 UTC
[dmitshur] joined the channel
I finished a feature on my personal site today (or last night). \o/ Actually being able to mail code changes for review.
> As of 2021-12-27, [my site] also supports performing code review on changes before submitting them.
While technically true, I conveniently left out of the fact that only I (an admin) could create a change, and the process for doing it was fairly manual and incomplete. Well, no longer!
There's now a 'New Change' link on every repo hosted on my site, under the 'Changes' tab (e.g. https://dmitri.shuralyov.com/scratch/...$changes/new), and it lets anyone who really wants to create a change to do so. I was looking forward to finishing this, since not having any ability to collaborate at all was kinda still tying me to GitHub... I think this was the last piece. 🙂
geoffo and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Very very cool [dmitshur] !
[gRegorLove] as much as DNS transfers are slow and somewhat arduous, I like of view that as a feature, having had friends and acquaintances lose domains to shenanigans.
geoffo, bterry, [marksuth], arunwadhwa, [KevinMarks] and RapidRotator joined the channel
I've implemented a webmention reciever endpoint on my site, and want to test it. I found https://webmention.rocks/receive/1 but it needs me to sign in using indieauth
Is there a way to test it without also having to implement indieauth?
[Scout] and geoffo joined the channel
Does it allow rel-me auth as well? [aaronpk]?
oodani joined the channel
KevinMark: No
OK. What you can do is make a post on your own site that links to it, and send that with mention.tech or by a curl command to your endpoint
Thx. Do you have an example curl command?
[jacky], [contact898], [naturestudy], barnaby, [asuh] and geoffo joined the channel
[aaronpk] - [contact898] is trying to submit https://alexsirac.com/indieweb-france/ to https://news.indieweb.org/fr - here's how IndieWebify parses it. https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/?url=https%3A%2F%2Falexsirac.com%2Findieweb-france%2F - rejected as no_link_found but that seems there is a link.
[preview] Je me demande s’il y aurait des gens intéressés pour participer à un atelier / week-end IndieWeb en France, par exemple à Paris ou à Lyon (ou, au hasard, à Grenoble!) IndieNewsAussi :Un plan marketing (presque) tout fait pour votre assoGen...
vanitas_gloam and gRegor joined the channel
Odd, the mf2 looks correct. Was the error that it couldn't find the h-entry, or that it couldn't find the syndication link?
not sure if this would cause it, but your avatar in the sidebar has `u-photo` and is inside the `h-entry`, not an `h-card`. So it parses the entry with a photo property. That usually means "photo post" by consumers.
That results in two `p-author h-card` in the entry for the authorship information too. One from the sidebar and one hidden by CSS near the entry heading.
When I submit on the fr page I get Error: `no_link_found` Could not find a syndication or category link for this entry to news dot indieweb dot org.
Ok, thanks. There's two versions of that no_link_found error in the code, just making sure which one.
That's good in that it's finding the h-entry. It's not finding the syndication property for some reason, though.
Initially it was missing rel="syndication" but now that that's there I'm out of strong intuition of what to try
[contact898], might try removing the u-photo from that avatar photo and re-submitting. Even if that doesn't fix it, I don't think its your intent to have it in each post as a photo property.
Yeah, no rels needed
just to double check, you're submitting it to the fr webmention endpoint, not the en one right?
i'm confused why it's not finding it
That was the intent, and what I've been trying. Initially was missing u-url. That's been added.
But [contact898] knows intent better. I was trying to assist. Initially Alex was inquiring in the #indieweb-stream channel.
↩️ thanks! I think that came with the WordPress theme so I'll try with another theme when I get to a computer next week :)
↩️ yep
thanks both (and Jo!), and I'll try things out with another WordPress theme to see if that's the issue in early May then!
geoffo, bret, ttybitnik and [Ros] joined the channel
↩️ [gRegorLove] I LOVE Porkbun! I was amazed - and told the man on the phone so - when I rang to sort and issue and he just answered after two rings going “Hey, Porkbun, how can I help?“. No customer service line. No waiting music. No “your call is important to us”. Just answered the phone like an old school record store and talked to me for 20 min helping me with my issue and he understood everything without needing to give some ro
[Scout], [Joe_Crawford], [tantek], [contact898], [Ros], [naturestudy], [KevinMarks], [dmitshur], [jacky], [marksuth] and [jacky]1 joined the channel