#dev 2024-05-01

2024-05-01 UTC
[tantek], [snarfed], [Murray], [aciccarello], [contact898], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [asuh], [jeremycherfas], [qubyte], [pfefferle], IWSlackGateway, jacky, geoffo, box464, box4647 and Lektoren joined the channel
the number of requests I'm seeing for "hosting that will cap your spending at a pre-set amount and just take the site offline" is definitely increasing, but I've yet to see a really solid competitor that doesn't engage in this ridiculous practice suggested as an alternative
saw this earlier, tangentially related but I wanted to post it anyway
essentially an ipv6 tunnel you can pay for to your own equipment to allow you to self host on your hardware
Guest6 joined the channel
Getting errors from heroku.webmention.com and need to work out why, so using an example to ask why they don't seem to be received at https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/make-it-simpler
[Scout] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
LaunchPad, influous and gerben joined the channel
I made a flask app that gets around the newest Discogs UI - for those that don't know, Discogs updated their UI so you can no longer sort by 'original release date' on artist pages. Super annoying if you're more interested in when something was originall released, rather than when the latest reissues came out.
It's very rough, and the Discogs API isn't all that great, but it is still better than manually clicking every listing on the Discogs site 😂
An example of eating one's own dog food
Xe joined the channel
_tommys[d] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
Very cool!
thanks to this community i had the confidence to 'just make the thing that i wish existed' 😁
This is what the web should be about!
laker, shoesNsocks, ttybitnik, geoffo, sp1ff, barnaby, [contact898] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
_tommys++ great! yes! makewhatyouwant++
_tommys has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
makewhatyouwant has 1 karma over the last year
what is make what you want?
Make what you need is an IndieWeb principle that helps creators focus on creating & publishing things prioritized by what they need & want for their own personal site https://indieweb.org/make_what_you_want
aside: I'm lurking in the "ActivityPub Issue Triage" meeting going on rn which is fairly open if anyone is curious to also lurk: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/600c916e-b081-4e72-97b7-3449de760bc4/
barnaby, [tantek] and mcepl joined the channel
Are there any known problems with GPG signing to https://indieauth.com/? It used to work for me, but suddenly it doesn’t. (my OpenID is https://matej.ceplovi.cz, GPG key 0xD96484AC) Using this script:
echo "$@" | gpg --clearsign --armor
aaronpk ^ ?
gRegor and gruetzhaxe joined the channel
hmm i haven't tested that in a while
nertzy joined the channel
weird, i see some success messages in the logs for you too
gruetzhaxe, jonnybarnes, influous, [Joe_Crawford], [snarfed], ttybitnik, [capjamesg] and benji joined the channel
Hi all, I want to try out Bridgy Fed with my website. Unfortunately, my site's feed is not on the home page, and it looks like Bridgy Fed doesn't support using feeds that are not on the homepage. I don't want to put my feed on the home page, as the site is more like a portfolio and less like a blog. What should I do?
hmmm! [snarfed] ^ something for the FAQ?
I trigger pushing via bridgy fed via a webmention
Shouldn't depend on the homepage
ttybitnik joined the channel
thanks! I guess that's one way to do it, although not ideal
parnikkapore_x it works fine both manually (e.g. using mention.tech, this is what I do), and automatically if your publishing system/software can automatically send webmentions for each new post (an include an empty link to http://fed.brid.gy in your post footer)
seems/feels more reliable than depending on homepage polling, and certainly lower latency (you federate immediately upon publishing, rather than waiting for your feed to be polled eventually)
feed polling is not ideal
*cries in static site host*
confirmed, BF only supports homepage-advertised feeds right now, webmention is the alternative
influous joined the channel
what is webmentionapp?
It looks like we don't have a page for "webmentionapp" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "webmentionapp is ____", a sentence describing the term)
parnikkapore_x, check out https://indieweb.org/Webmention#webmention.app which I believe you can give it any feed URL and it will poll / send the webmentions for you on a static site!
what is webmention.app
Webmention is an open web standard (W3C Recommendation) for conversations and interactions across the web, a powerful building block used for a growing distributed network of peer-to-peer comments, likes, reposts, and other responses across the web https://indieweb.org/webmention.app
I actually have my own variant of that on Glitch (I want to use it for the "paste the link to your reply here" form, so it's important that the response is displayable HTML); the problem is that it's yet another thing I'd have to do during publishing is all
For now, I've set up an rss via Granary (link tag, so it's OK). Now it's just a matter of if posts actually federate :)
(for some reason I'm a bit annoyed that it doesn't ingest h-feeds...
yeah good point. I guess the expectation was that h-feed correlates pretty highly with sending outbound wms, but not perfectly
maybe 🙂️
barnaby, gRegorLove_ and influous joined the channel