#dev 2024-06-16

2024-06-16 UTC
dustinm` and nertzy joined the channel
what blows my mind with zed is how good the other tools comparatively.
claudinec and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
aren't all of those benchmarks crazy slow? 60 fps is 16ms, which I'd expect a text browser to be able to handle
what is tidy
tidy is a library which you can use to cleanup malformed HTML before parsing it for microformats for typical IndieWeb use-cases; it’s available in most PHP setups, but you may have to explicitly enable it in your php ini or phprc (depending on your webhost) https://indieweb.org/tidy
gRegor joined the channel
indiebookclub supports the new client metadata now https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/133
[preview] [aaronpk] #133 Update client information discovery method
Whoa amazing hope it wasn't too difficult!
Quite easy! thanks for the pointers with your diff
Need to update my server, but the fallback it has is working ok for me. It shows just the domain name and links to the JSON file.
graysonarts[d] joined the channel
I need to get to mine.
But I only do server, so...
Does PHP still need tidy? Is there an HTML5 compliant parser to use?
Modern tidy is HTML5 compliant
jeremycherfas joined the channel
I have been doing some benchmarking on my site generator. It can generate 292884 pages in < 2:30.
carbo and barnaby joined the channel
gRegor that's great! I had a bunch of one-off parameters I feed to to tidy to handle "common" HTML5isms in h2vx. Maybe I don't need those any more
What is local development?
local development is (or local dev, local dev setup) the practice of having a version of your site on your local machine like a laptop that you can use for development purposes, even when offline https://indieweb.org/local_development
local development << {{capjamesg}} describes his website build process, including his local setup and the code behind it, in [https://jamesg.blog/2024/06/16/website-build-process/ My (new) website build process].
ok, I added "{{capjamesg}} describes his website build process, including his local setup and the code behind it, in [https://jamesg.blog/2024/06/16/website-build-process/ My (new) website build process]." to the "See Also" section of /local_development https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95848&oldid=78092
gRegorLove_, AramZS, AramZS_, geoffo, jeremycherfas, AramZS__, [Jo], ptramo[d], gRegorLove__, barnaby and trwnh joined the channel