#dev 2024-06-15

2024-06-15 UTC
barnaby, mretka and whitesided joined the channel
snarfed I got curious about the bluesky-fediverse bridge and considering looking into embeds/quoteposts, issue 461.
barnaby and [0x3b0b] joined the channel
whitesided oh! good timing, I'm looking at it right now too
(fwiw probably most or all of the work will be in granary)
[marksuth], jeremycherfas, chimo and geoffo joined the channel
This whole thread (so to speak)
When not to require an app, not to require login, common problems with airplane / offline mode
So many anti patterns to document
[tw2113], [schmarty], [qubyte], Renfield and [dave] joined the channel
I love it because it’s so text-oriented. When your needs are relatively small and low frequency events from the server, it’s very nice.
One nice thing I like to do with it is use content negotiation on the same endpoint. When called with a plain old GET request it can deliver batches of messages. When the request is made by `EventSource` the accept header indicates it wants SSE, so that’s what it gets.
Interesting tumblr-alike that's fediverse visible by an ex-Automattic engineer https://goblin.band/
rolle, jonnybarnes and joshproehl joined the channel
I love WebSocket and will deny that anything else ever makes sense for event sourcing
well, WebTransport when everybody supports it of course
I've been reading through how web mentions work and the various existing software for it, and what I personally would want for my website (which is a bit tricky because my personal website is a digital garden, which doesn't really need to get announced on any other platforms, and I have a fediverse account I use very regularly I want reflected on my website), and I came up with a list of requirements that I don't think can
I think that got cut off a bit on irc. I was looking for feedback on if I'm missing anything or if my requirements are perhaps a tad unreasonable. If it comes to it, I think I can manage rolling my own software for the remainder. https://pastebin.com/x5v8FCM8
rrix joined the channel
Hmm. I’m right but also not up for an argument. Maybe I’ll just write an article.
Has anyone used the Zed text editor? It is _so fast_!
capjamesg have not however "super fast" is one of the reasons I've stuck with BBEdit. It's insanely fast since it was originally developed for computers 1000x slower etc as opposed to todays bloated XCode apps or even things like Apple Notes which jank and crash regularly
ttybitnik joined the channel