#dev 2024-06-14

2024-06-14 UTC
my http server is definitely messing up video files in major browsers, including Firefox. I don't understand what could be wrong. https://wtf.madethis.site/test.html showcases 2 videos not loading including https://ia800106.us.archive.org/25/items/archive-video-files/test.mp4
if anybody has any clue what could be wrong, I'd welcome notes…
You're doing `<video />` (self-closing) but you want to do a closing tag `<video></video>` - whatever is inside the tag is the fallback content.
Hm, not sure, but when I open /test.mp4 directly, I see two requests in the network tab. Both have content-type: video/mp4 but the second one has `content-range: bytes 2097152-2107841/2107842` which seems off
(Firefox on Windows btw)
Content area shows broken file with message "No video with supported format and MIME type found"
Unless Firefox is collapsing the different content-range responses, it looks like the server is only returning the last chunk of the video
geoffo and sebbu joined the channel
I think I
I'm responding with those Content-Range because of the Range: bytes=… request header?
AFAICT I'm handling those requests correctly, but maybe not?
wow, moved to <video>fallback</video> and it works
[edit] wow, moved to <video>fallback</video> and it works in Chrome
oooh, I need to support If-Range it looks like
nope, http.ServeContent in golang supports it already, but I do need my etags not to depend on the value of the Range header (right now I go out of my way to make them dependent, I completely misunderstood http there)
also, gotta not respond 200 eagerly if I'm going to http.ServeContent after. I was writing the response code before it had a chance to, so it couldn't use 206 / 304. now I only write 4xx eagerly and let it do its thing instead of 200.
oodani and Johan joined the channel
has anyone implemented Accept: application/opengraph+html yet?
AramZS and NickoNamo joined the channel
Hello, I hope this is the correct channel. I've a question about bridgy fed. I've an account on a fediverse platform(firefish), I've followed the bridgy fed bot and it did something since it succesfully created a BlueSky account. Yet briding does not seem to be working since that new bluesky account is empty while I've had some activity on my fedi account (replies, boosts, and most recently a note)
Is it because it requires time to bridge? Or are other steps required? I've read the documentation but found it of little help
(For troubleshooting purpose, here my fedi account https://www.foxyhole.io/@LeonardoSaponara and here the empty bridge thing: https://bsky.app/profile/LeonardoSaponara.www.foxyhole.io.ap.brid.gy )
(Thanks in advance for your help and time)
[dshanske] and [manton] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I’ve only skimmed through that but not seeing any problems with supporting it. Would probably adopt on the server first.
whitesided joined the channel
Are there some more hand-holdey documents for getting the dev setup configured than the development section in the README? I think there's some gcloud related stuff I just don't know to do and I'm not sure where to start looking.
Samlin joined the channel
Specifically I'm unclear on what additional setup I need to do on my google dashboard, if any, since I get this message when I attempt to set the project. "WARNING: [don.whiteside@gmail.com] does not have permission to access projects instance [bridgy-federated] (or it may not exist):"
geoffo joined the channel
whitesided sounds like you're hoping to contribute to Bridgy Fed? you don't need to do anything with Google Cloud in production online, just set up the SDK locally as described in https://bridgy-fed.readthedocs.io/#development
out of curiosity, what are you hoping to contribute?
geoffo and [develumpen] joined the channel
Does anybody have experience with https://trix-editor.org? I'm working on a PR for https://github.com/barryf/micropublish allowing the user to add images to the body of an article. The issue that I'm facing is that Trix adds a few custom HTML attributes to the `<figure>` tag it adds to wrap an `<img>`. Also Trix is discarting the `alt` attribute of the image.
I'm getting rid of those tags manually, but it should be a better way to deal with it.
geoffo and [Murray] joined the channel
Anyone know whether Firefox on Android can "properly" install PWAs? As in, install to the Apps drawer, rather than a saved browser tab? Trying to work out if I've done something wrong, if the site has broken, or if it's Firefox, but on a new phone
geoffo and gRegor joined the channel
Interesting first-hand pushback against secondhand rumors/blogposts: https://fosstodon.org/@xaseiresh/112434377865700951
[preview] [Xasin, Neira & Mesh] @shellsharks From what we read up on, WebMentions are quite low effort to implement and didn't seem to need any maintenance ^^' What I like is the ability to have a source web mention that doesn't support the protocol directly, so e.g. mentions on o...
barnaby, ttybitnik, AramZS, sisoma_new[d] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Does anyone here know if comment parade would work embedded in an iframe on the site itself? Perhaps even with the server name auto filled in or even starting on the screen where you pick if you want to be anonymous or not
Not sure. The UX after commenting might be a bit weird depending what the success page looks like in the iframe
what is commentparade
commentpara.de is an open source system for anonymous sign-in and commenting, using building blocks IndieAuth, Micropub, and Webmention https://indieweb.org/commentparade
I might play with it a bit, once I've got Web mentions setup. Since it's open source I might be able to tweak it to better fit the flow I'm targeting, if it doesn't already handle it well
strugee joined the channel
That looks perfect. Thanks!
do any indieweb frameworks implement conneg in a way that's easy to hook into?
(in particular we wonder if publ can do it...)