#dev 2024-06-24

2024-06-24 UTC
nertzy, ipv6rs, geoffo, GuestZero, bterry, withed[d], [Jo], jjuran, [Paul_Robert_Ll] and lazcorp joined the channel
Does anyone have FediTest (https://feditest.org/) installed and is willing to run a test against my initial implementation on my server?
(it looks like hours/days of yak-shaving for me to set it up)
My site generator now has a blog template: https://github.com/capjamesg/aurora-blog-template/
claudinec_away and [schmarty] joined the channel
jacky++ good find! i remember using dillo as my "daily driver" back in like 2003 😂
jacky has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (39 in all channels)
lost their domain and so made the official project website `http://dillo-browser.github.io`!??
AramZS and [snarfed] joined the channel
domain admin tax can be more difficult than keeping a github account 😢
same thing happened to http://ostatus.org/
The DAT is unfortunate. It has lead to quite a many EPL exploits (Expired Phishing Like) as domains can expire, a user can create an alias 'name@expired.com' and 'forgot password' with any such service that offers this. No developers have taken this into consideration and thus no verification of MX nor any form of GPG/pubkey encryption is deployed.
With the exception of the insecurity of DNSSEC, EPL is one of the biggest problems with e-mails (and using these for authentication) today.
chadsix, [Scout] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
dnssec is the prerequisite to dkim dmarc spf
chadsix, i think i had an email on a hoster that died, and the hoster's provider's website died too
but the hoster still work, the subdomain doesn't
not even sure who to contact anymore, the hoster is just a login page now, and the provider domain has been hijack to an online pharmacy (prob scam :p)
i don't even remember where i was subscribed with that email
[Murray], geoffo_ and gRegor joined the channel
aaronpk: yup, logging into https://indielogin.com worked fine
Internet Archive helped me rescue some Flickr photos I embedded in a 2007 post. That was pretty cool. I wasn't sure they were archiving images that far back. I thought they only had HTML backups until a certain point.
It also gave me the idea of putting an automatic link to the IA archive on older posts like "see what this post looked like when published." I had kind of forgotten about my 2007 design.
I have done a lot of retroactive additions to posts to get the best representation of them, sometimes that's IA. sometimes changed urls. But not automated it. Linkrot is PAIN. And I've gotten lucky a few times on lost photos with IA. Lucky 70% / Unlucky 30% I'd say. Always better than nothing.
Yeah, my initial thought is just linking to web.archive.org/web/YYYYMMDD/[my_url], so it would go to the closest snapshot. If there isn't a snapshot that's OK.
For links inside the post, I've been adding IA links after them like "(archived)" as I go through old posts.
All the more reason for me to send my URLs to IA shortly after publishing. Some example code on /Internet_Archive
Also lost to time, but I was reminded I used to put rel=external on links in the posts and had some JS that would open them in a new window. No idea why I did that instead of target=_blank, which I definitely knew about at the time, haha
Don't see it on https://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values. It was probably some SEO "advice" or something I read in early 2000s
yeah I think various times folks proposed rel=external and from a dev perspective it's not strictly necessary. like literally your href is to your domain or not, why add labor/tax/DRY-violation with having to add an explicit rel value for that?
internet archive << Brainstorming: use-case for auto-archiving your own posts via {{gregor}} in dev chat: <blockquote>automatic link to the IA archive on older posts like "see what this post looked like when published."</blockquote>
ok, I added "Brainstorming: use-case for auto-archiving your own posts via {{gregor}} in dev chat: <blockquote>automatic link to the IA archive on older posts like "see what this post looked like when published."</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /Internet_Archive https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95930&oldid=90988
I definitely later changed my mind on always opening external links in a new tab. I figure people generally know how to open links in a new tab, so let them choose.
I made the mistake of deleting my Flickr without any kind of archive backup a while back and sadly it seems the internet archives didn't hit much of my old photo stream. I'm left wondering which photos I linked to, I have local copies of the photos themselves but not with matching titles and tags and apparently 2009 me didn't know about descriptions.
Ouch :/
lazcorp joined the channel
Managed to get FediTest (https://feditest.org/) working on my local machine, with thanks to capjamesg[d]++
capjamesg[d] has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (201 in all channels)
And I now have a full set of passed tests on the webfinger endpoint
lazcorp has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
[snarfed] - are you planning to run the test suite on Bridgy Fed?
You are welcome!
I'm glad you got everything up and running.
[snarfed] It didn't take me long to fix the failed tests on my site (and I had more fails than you!), so hopefully you'll get them done quickly
(where you agree that the test is a correct one)
StarrWulfe joined the channel
yes! I've already done that for most of the failures, at least webfinger
[snarfed] has 52 karma in this channel over the last year (98 in all channels)
ttybitnik, bret, StarrWulfe and AramZS_ joined the channel