#dev 2024-06-30

2024-06-30 UTC
to2ds joined the channel
Is there any npm package to generate link previews by looking for either mf2 markup or opengraph tags?
link-preview-js seems pretty good if you only care about the latter
[aciccarello] joined the channel
The microformats package has a meta formats option to include open graph tags
yordi, e-snail, jeremycherfas and jonnybarnes joined the channel
aaronpk, think I may have brokn Quill? Have deployed a fix for my IndieAuth/Micropub token stuff on my site, and tried to login to Quill again, on redirect back to the callback page I get a `Slim Application Error`, specifically “Array to string conversion” on line 413 of /web/sites/quill.p3k.io/vendor/j4mie/idiorm/idiorm.php
the last line in the stack trace that is not from vendor/ is `/web/sites/quill.p3k.io/controllers/auth.php(181): ORM->save()`
I was able to log into Sparkles at least
Can’t post from that client though, it structures its data differently to how Quill does
ttybitnik joined the channel
Its not that, its how I’m parsing scopes in my access tokens
GuestZero, to2ds, adele and GuestZero_ joined the channel
has anyone built a "now" page aggregator that answers the question of what is everyone up to?
GuestZero and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
now << Brainstorming: a "now" page aggregator that answers the question of what is everyone up to? Perhaps with clustering of overlapping activities, media being consumed (same books, movies, music), or events being attended
ok, I added "Brainstorming: a "now" page aggregator that answers the question of what is everyone up to? Perhaps with clustering of overlapping activities, media being consumed (same books, movies, music), or events being attended" to the "See Also" section of /now https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=96000&oldid=95997
Has anyone built a calendar heatmap of their contributions to a MediaWiki, eg Wikipedia and/or IndieWeb etc? Perhaps multiple MediaWikis combined into one heatmap?
thegreekgeek joined the channel
No, but I have a sparkline.
[snarfed] joined the channel
yeah! I still want to make a similar sparkline but somehow I find the calendar heatmap more satisfying to view
I made a calendar web component a while ago.
[preview] [capjamesg] web-calendar: A web component for rendering static calendars.
It doesn't exactly fit here, but may be relevant.
ah yeah, the calendar component is very cool yes!
I found an open source library for a calendar heatmap though! I added it to https://indieweb.org/calendar_heatmap#open_source
I put it in the Brainstorming section until we have confirmed that it works for a personal website
Even better!
to2ds joined the channel
[tantek] - Does https://aboutideasnow.com/ perform the intended aggregator function?
nertzy joined the channel