#GWGAlthough the date archive system will link to the previous month and I may not have a post for that day. I meant to do a better 404 page for that after Dusseldorf
StarrWulfe, dustinm`, geoffo and ttybitnik joined the channel
#catgirlin.space[snarfed] is there a way to set the u-featured image without using an <img> tag? i have one in mind but i use it as the background on my website already...
#catgirlin.space[tantek]: [tantek] it's for other stuff. i preload css and js and an image, and do preconnect for my cdn subdomain.
ramsey, moose3338, _DJ_[dj_je][d], _sisoma_new[d], sisoma_new[d], DJ_[dj_je][d] and Maplesyrup joined the channel