#dev 2024-09-12

2024-09-12 UTC
to2ds joined the channel
if I have ssh access to my webhost, does that mean I am using a VPS? Or perhaps a managed VPS?
(and no I am not using a machine physically at home, I have no idea where my server physically is and I'm ok with that)
btrem joined the channel
[tantek] not necessarily. I have ssh access to a webhosting company, but it's a shared hosting account, not a vps.
a-ha, perhaps that's my setup, a virtual shared server or does it have another name because I don't see "VSS" in use as an acronym complementing VPS?
virtual implies a VM or maybe container. shared hosting is often just a user account on a normal host OS, which is neither VM or container
coffeelauer and to2ds joined the channel
My account is not a virtual anything. As [snarfed] said, it's a user account on a linux server. But with ssh access.
AIUI, a vps is where you're sharing hardware on a single machine, but not sharing software or ram. Instead, it's a container of some sort, thus a "virtual" private server, as opposed to a physical private server.
I have a VPS but I did a walk through tour of my hosts datacenter in York, UK
to2ds, doesnm and [Jo] joined the channel
[preview] Tech talk with bunnie on IRIS: an open hardware project to verify chips
ttybitnik, barnaby, sebbu, shoesNsocks, AramZS, shoesNsocks_, thegreekgeek and andrei_c joined the channel
what is miniflux legacy?
It looks like we don't have a page for "miniflux legacy" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "miniflux legacy is ____", a sentence describing the term)
sebbu2, rjomara5853, sivoais_ and shoesNsocks joined the channel
I was working on making a combined feed of all my social media interactions on my website, but ran into an issue. I used reddit for decades, and upvoted (liked) nearly 100k items. The static site generator I'm using, vitepress, does not like rendering that many posts. I was thinking about how to fix this, and I think that'll mean setting up a DB to store the posts and render them on request instead, ideally with some cachin
dustinm`_ joined the channel
Assuming the license doesn’t change for the worst this is great
I'm not thrilled with the recent Web Awesome rebrand of Shoelace. Really curious how this will or won't impact 11ty development
what is font awesome
It looks like we don't have a page for "font awesome" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "font awesome is ____", a sentence describing the term)
hmm, not seeing loqi replies on Slack
oh the slack gateway got netsplit
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
the slack gateway got netsplit. just restarted it, hopefully it's back now
[mattl] joined the channel
what is font awesome
It looks like we don't have a page for "font awesome" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "font awesome is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpk: looks good.
[sebbu] joined the channel
https://fontawesome.com/ it's a site with a list of fonts and css to use them
[schmarty], [Joe_Crawford], AramZS, Dryusdan and gRegor joined the channel
what is netsplit
It looks like we don't have a page for "netsplit" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "netsplit is ____", a sentence describing the term)
netsplit is when an IRC server has multiple servers linked together, and one (or more) get unlinked from the other (generally temporary) and people see mass quits (and joins when the server(s) gets linked again)
(wonder how it applies to gateways)
depends on the gateway
in this case, the slack gateway has a bot account that joins IRC to listen for messages to send to Slack. that bot got on the short end of the netsplit so stopped receiving any messages from other IRC people
usually they're still connected, just not to the server most people are on :D
andrei_c joined the channel
netsplit could probably be a section on /IRC, doesn't need its own page
andrei_c joined the channel
Oh I guess it didn't get created, nvm
cweiske has indieauth-openid, an indieauth implementation that delegates to an openid server. is there something in reverse, to use an indieauth implementation for openid?
Okay, I think I've worked out some ways to make my static site generator being less resource intensive, such that the 100k posts are reasonable again. Now I'm wondering how best to get those into indiekit so it can manage those (and particularly the media for them). For likes specifically, I've been writing scripts to help convert reddit submissions into posts with a credited author and content based off the post body or a
or is openid complicated enough that i would need to explicitly make design decisions, and a simple proxy won't do?
And instead just show as me bookmarking that reddit link
I think indieauth.com used to do that. I remember having the openid meta tags on my site pointing to it
Ah, I guess it still is pointed there. Not sure if it still works, though.
Don't recommend using since indieauth.com is deprecated, but https://indieauth.com/openid
what is openid
OpenID was a protocol for using a web address as an identity to sign-in to websites; it is losing support, is effectively dead (versions 1 & 2 are both deprecated, sites are dropping support), and has been replaced on the IndieWeb with web-sign-in and IndieAuth https://indieweb.org/openid
gRegor: indieauth.com has ben "officially" deprecated for years, according to aaronpk, but it's still running
Yes, but it will be retired eventually
Trying to make things easier for him instead of adding on new users :)
please no more users
aaronpk: i guess this file <https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/blob/main/controllers/openid.rb> encapsulates all the OpenID logic, and with some documentation I could probably recreate that functionality independently, right?
why would you want to do anything with openid tho?
it's long dead
gerrit apparently supports it by default
wondered if i could make it use indieauth that way lol
wow i'm surprised
Saw Dreamwidth still supports it for sign in apparently
but tbh it might be easier to use a reverse-proxy and make it handle authentication via indieauth if i want an indieauth-enabled gerrit instance
but yeah you should theoretically be able to use that openid.rb as a reference for implementing it
gerrit needs an email address, it seems, so requesting "profile email" on auth and throwing if the email scope isn't granted might be sufficient
[qubyte] and to2ds joined the channel
I saw something the other day with a link to http://myopenid.com and suddenly I was 20 years younger.
andrei_c and [snarfed] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Question came up about linkcheckers that will spider a local set of html files - does anyone have a recommendation for a script that works for that here in 2024?
[tantek] joined the channel
I'm thinking about using indiekit, but I'm not sure how replies are handled. As in, if someone sends me a webmention or a syndication gets a comment/reply
It seems the post templates are one way, so I see in the introduction that the file gets rewritten once it gets syndicated to a new url, but I'm guessing that comes from the database. That is to say, if I added a new syndication entry manually it doesn't "pick up" on that. Which by extension would mean replies must work the same way: I'd need indiekit itself (or rather, it's db) to know about the replies, I can't just add t
But weirdly enough nothing on the website seems to mention handling replies
I also sometimes release games, and will have a itch page with the game (and comments) as well as an announcement on reddit (with comments). I'd like those to be considered two syndications of the same post. Is it possible to manually add them to the syndications list?
ttybitnik joined the channel
what is zapier
Zapier is a task automation service, similar to IFTTT, with free and paid tiers that some sites use for syndicating content (PESOS) https://indieweb.org/Zapier
Good news is that with a little small amount of work I got RSVP's working on my WordPress to 11ty tool. https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmattl.b-cdn.net%2Frsvp2.html
aaronpk: this might be useful for the microformats blog.