#dev 2024-09-26

2024-09-26 UTC
Good luck with that
[tw2113] and AramZS joined the channel
OAuth for BlueSky! Including the same client ID metadata mechanism as was recently added to IndieAuth! https://docs.bsky.app/blog/oauth-atproto
Kupietz and angelo joined the channel
aaronpk has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (129 in all channels)
epoch yeah looking for a better online reference for CMoS
This I agree with though: "I think if a feature is added to markdown that doesn't look good in plaintext, it shouldn't be in the markdown"
very cool about OAuth in bsky!
troojg, sebbu2, [qubyte], [tw2113] and __DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel
I've been trying to get my YT comments into indiekit (e.g., PESOS), but the YT API doesn't have any method to retrieve all comments authored by a channel. But I know google has that data indexed, as evidenced by **https://myactivity.google.com/page?page=youtube_comments**loading instantly
ttybitnik joined the channel; cuibonobo left the channel
ooh youtube backfeed!
i never knew about that link! cool
Yeah, unfortunately I think I'll just have to occasionally check that link to see if there's any new comments and manually add them to the site
AramZS and zicklepop joined the channel
[catgirlin_spac] Following on the Micropub discovery… I found the problem. http://Micro.blog is expecting `authorization_endpoint` and `token_endpoint` links too for IndieAuth, but they aren’t in your HTML. Is your site working with other Micropub clients?
it is, yeah
they're in the http link header
manton: any plans to update that to discovering `indieauth-metadata`? https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#discovery-by-clients
gRegorLove_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
t​hepaperpilot: are you planning to back-fill anything else from YouTube? I grab all my subscriptions and transform them into OPML to import in my feed reader. But what I am really interested in is my watch history
AramZS and [tantek] joined the channel
[schmarty] Yes! I should work on that because I’m on a roll with client changes right now. I support metadata on the server side, not the client yet.
Oh wait, I’m mixing up `indieauth-metadata` and the new OAuth .json metadata spec.
Zegnet, barnaby, Dryusdan, sebsel, voxpelli, zicklepop and [aciccarello] joined the channel
since my mobile IRC client is a PWA, i've seen a similar bug
sometimes the keyboard won't pop up and i have to force quit the PWA and restart it
i feel like that got fixed in iOS 17 tho
it was incredibly frustrating
that report says it was (re-)introduced in iOS 18!
this one sounds worse
AramZS and sdavidprince joined the channel
improved bugs!
sdavidprince, I don't think Blogger supports Micropub
oh I was still typing a greeting text
o/ Welcome! :)
@gRegor is there not any way to using blogger API the way ifftt and Zapier pushed posts to a blogger site from elsewhere
It should be possible, I just don't think anyone has built a Micropub to Blogger API bridge like that yet
What is Blogger
Blogger is a blog content hosting silo owned by Google https://indieweb.org/Blogger
Eish alright thanks.
There might be a way to get it to work, though it also requires using /silo.pub, which I don't think is maintained https://indieweb.org/Blogger#Micropub
what is silo.pub
silo.pub is an open source self-hostable Micropub endpoint for hosted blogs like Tumblr, WordPress.com, and Blogger, and used to be a hosted service at an eponymous domain until it expired in 2018 and subsequently squatted https://indieweb.org/silo.pub
Last commit 6 years ago
That's old
the code likely still works however as the Blogger API is unlikely to have changed in the past 6 years
Yeah. Hopefully the Blogger API hasn't changed, much, but I don't know how difficult getting silo.pub up and running itself would be
jinx :)
I can say. But it's been 4 years since I knew blogger nothing has changed.
zicklepop1 joined the channel
🥲 I'm only with my mobile now but I'll try to see if it runs. this would mark my second attempt to host nginx on my mobile. it seem to run on phyton will it run on the latest phyton version
ttybitnik and troojg joined the channel
hi, new to indieweb stuff. was wondering about implementing indieauth for my website. i have a guestbook on my website that currently requires oauth via discord or github, i wanted to add indieauth support but i’m not sure what’s the best way to go about it. i tried adding it through indielogin, but it needs client registration and looking at the github it doesnt seem very active. reading about indieauth i guess i have to ho
hi, I run indielogin.com, it's how you log in to the indieweb wiki and other indieweb services. You can host it yourself, or implement indieauth directly. technically indielogin.com is also doing more than just indieauth as well, which may or may not be necessary for you
what are the differences? idk if i want to implement indieauth myself since im wary of doing auth stuff wrong xD
rather than implementing indieauth yourself, you can run your own instance of http://indielogin.com
is there any documentation on how to host it?
AramZS joined the channel
what is indielogin
indielogin.com is a service that developers can use to log users in to a website https://indieweb.org/IndieLogin
[preview] [fxdgear] #27 Docs on settingup/running myself