#dev 2024-09-30
2024-09-30 UTC
[schmarty], want-to-build, [snarfed], troojg, Dryusdan, [tantek], [qubyte] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [snarfed] waaaaat https://www.bridgy.com/
# catgirlin.space [woozycat](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183246214595092561.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=woozycat)
# catgirlin.space [edit] [woozycat](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183246214595092561.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=woozycat)
# capjamesg[d] [snarfed] 😭
barnaby, Xe and ttybitnik joined the channel
# [schmarty] dopplegangers
[morganm]1, [morganm], [marksuth]1, hidjy[d] and bret joined the channel
# sebbu on an unrelated topic, https://oauth.io/api/providers lol can't even test https://oauth.io/providers to see what's supported
benji, [marksuth], gRegor and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
bret, __DuBPiRaTe__ and benji joined the channel
# Loqi A static site is a website that serves pages directly from files on the web server, which have often been previously generated by static site generator software only when created or updated, instead of for every request https://indieweb.org/static-site
onla and [morganm]2 joined the channel
# onla probably not. I'm just shutting down my vps and trying something else and going for a small webspace at tildeverse. I have an ancestry website at the vps's web server but it's meant for relatives only. Probably commenting is not needed on that one. I'm just waiting my tilde account and seeing that everyone in the community has a personal website I have just been trying to be creative to think
# onla what I wanna try there.
# onla next I'm gonna go check how people who make short comments as webmentions do them if they send them from their own homepage
lazcorp joined the channel
# onla yeah! I read about that, looked nice. What if you were an active webmention user, could you still use bashblog or would it then make you need to do everything and more manually. I haven't really absorbed the information on how webmentions technically work, or the discovering etc. What extra pieces would be needed
# [Jo] ↩️ i personally use bashblog! My webmention receiver is http://webmention.io and to display the mentions under each post i use webmention.js (https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js/ )I do have to send them manually though
# onla gRegor: ok. I wonder what tools are preferred to do those steps if you are running a static site. [Jo] cool. You haven't by any chance written a blogpost on how you do it, maybe more details?
# onla Sending webmentions manually does seem like not much extra effort. This receiving part and displaying them on your own page doing them automatically sort of is the tricky part I guess.
# onla [Jo]: it could be useful to more than just to me. I think some others might also want to know some "barebones" ways ppl might use. Well I didn't check how possibly bloated this webmention.js but I guess it's not very etc :)
# superkuh I receive webmention by having nginx log POST contents to the /webmention endpoint to a /var/log/file I keep open in a my text editor. I send with cURL.
# superkuh http://superkuh.com/blog/2020-01-10-1.html 'A static, manual system for *receiving* webmentions (and pingback) with nginx'
# onla thanks superkuh for the link and info. Maybe [Jo] you could comment on that post with their method :D I'll read a bit later your link, gotta go shower and eat etc! btw [Jo] if you have a tilde.club or another tilde server account, do you know if you have access to nginx logs in a way that would be needed in superkuh's method
# onla with your method*
# superkuh Oh, if you don't control the webserver it's probably not a useful way of doing things.
# [Jo] i will read this later but its a really cool idea. i have some problems with http://webmention.io sometimes
# onla [Jo]++
# [snarfed] never! http://webmention.io is perfect, problem must be your hardware
# Loqi tilde.club is "one cheap, unmodified Unix computer on the Internet." [1] It was set up by Paul Ford and is named after the tilde character that appears in the URL before the account name, e.g. http://tilde.club/~ford https://indieweb.org/tilde.club
[aciccarello] joined the channel
# [aciccarello] [aaronpk] Sounds like there's a `@media(monochrome)` but it's not supported by kindle https://blog.stephaniestimac.com/posts/2024/03/css-monochrome-media-query/
# [aciccarello] Kindle seems to have their own amzn-kf8 media query https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/GR4KL488MXKPZ5BK
ttybitnik joined the channel
# _pi_r2_0[d] scratched an itch. https://offrecord.ca/
grufwub joined the channel
# _pi_r2_0[d] if anybody knows enough CSS to make scrolling work…
# capjamesg[d] I'm taking a look.
# _pi_r2_0[d] capjamesg[d]++
# capjamesg[d] overflow-y: scroll; on the dl element works to enable scrolling in the list but the MOTD per se is pinned to the top of the page.
# _pi_r2_0[d] I have overflow-y: scroll on main
# _pi_r2_0[d] I should lose display:flex there
# _pi_r2_0[d] how do I make it scroll to the bottom of the page automatically?
# _pi_r2_0[d] and display content at the bottom?
# capjamesg[d] Hm.
# _pi_r2_0[d] got it 🙂
# _pi_r2_0[d] main
{ flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; overflow-y: scroll; }
# [Joe_Crawford] badass pierre!
# [Joe_Crawford] pcarrier++
troojg joined the channel
# [Joe_Crawford] `<link rel="preload" as="fetch"`
# [Joe_Crawford] `<link rel="octo:octothorpes" href="weirdweboctober" >`
# [Joe_Crawford] `href="https://octothorp.es/?uri=https://weirdweboctober.website/" >`
# [Joe_Crawford] [tantek] they document https://octothorp.es/docs here. Essentially a `<link rel="prefect" as="fetch" href="">` ought to load the href value in the same way a single pixel image "web bug" would be loaded. Think: hit counter. Though I wonder if that would run afoul of crossorigin rules.
# [Joe_Crawford] It's notifying a central source that there's a new page participating in this event
# [Joe_Crawford] Sort of? Or in this case partitication of a new page in weirdtober. But also possibly popularity as users visit those pages? Almost like referer?
# [Joe_Crawford] I can't really defend it. I'm probably not understanding the full intent.
jeremycherfas joined the channel