#dev 2024-10-05

2024-10-05 UTC
jacky joined the channel
people of the static site generator camp, what kind of dynamic features have you missed / delegated to third-parties? indieauth, contact form landing in a mailbox, …?
sending/receiving webmentions presumably
Totally possible to do that static.
micropub endpoint perhaps?
@superkuh receiving webmentions how?
[tantek] I'm wondering how you'd feed back to the static build. maybe provide an API to pull what's been published and a webhook mechanism to trigger CI jobs on publication?
[preview] [superkuh] A static, manual system for *receiving* webmentions (and pingback) with nginx
tldr: just log the POSTs.
Yeah that means exposing my logs to the build process
Well if I want to display them
Luckily my .html files need no build process. But yeah, not for everyone. Just saying it is possible.
Displaying is a bit more than receiving. I can't imagine a possible static way to do that.
pierre, I think it may depend on shared storage access between services like that and the actual SSG
I'd share "storage" from the service through an API right
So the SSG could call into the API to retrieve what they want
Built a quick and dirty form to email service into my hosting platform tonight, and figure I could probably find other low hanging fruits. https://nothing.pcarrier.com/posts/form2mail/
[edit] Built a quick and dirty form to email service into my hosting platform tonight, and figure I could probably find other low hanging fruits. https://nothing.pcarrier.com/posts/form2mail/
offhand I would be worried about form injection attacks doing "weird" things to the email sending on the other end
jacky, onla_ and troojg joined the channel
Yeah… I like tackling probleme as they come. Designed and shipped the feature in 2 hours, didn't even put a spam blocker
Dryusdan and bterry1 joined the channel
hardened it a little (eg frontmatter uses TOML), also supports file uploads = attachments now
jacky and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[preview] A WebMention Endpoint
onla_, troojg, [tw2113] and [qubyte] joined the channel
Data point: I use a little function endpoint (hosted by Netlify, but think of AWS lambda because it’s basically a wrapper) that validates the mention, and then creates a GitHub issue with info on the repo for my site. Then I manually vet each and add it to the associated post in its front matter. Mentions are very low volume for me, so this works well. However, I’m thinking of some improvements to the process when microformats make it
possible (mentions without additional markup are still accepted, but need manual processing):
• For mentions marked up as a like, directly commit the mention to post front matter (these are low-risk).
• Extract mentions out into their own resource (files) to avoid merge conflicts if I ever get a rush of them.
• For mentions marked up with author information, open a pull request with changes to the relevant post front matter rather than just an issue.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
For webmention notifications, I subscribe to the RSS feed of http://webmention.io in the IndieWeb slack
onla_ joined the channel
Yeah so I realize that's not an indieweb thing to say but I don't really care about webmentions
🤷 no need to really. If it’s not a thing you want, it’s not a thing to do!
well, on the lookout for backend functionality to provide for static websites, this does feel like a good match
There are no shibboleths required to be indieweb. It’s an agnostic religion, so ambivalence to webmentions is as valid as deeply believing in webmentions.
[Joe_Crawford] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (84 in all channels)
And great use of shibboleths.
100%. Just own your content and your domain. Webmentions are deceptively complex,
angelo and troojg joined the channel
Neither slack nor mee6 support jsonfeed hmmm
rrix and onla_ joined the channel
gave in to atom 😦
troojg joined the channel