[qubyte]Addresses are weird in the UK. We’re in a habit of putting towns and counties on envelopes, but a house/apt number and postcode are sufficient.
[Murray]My favourite UK address weirdness (that affects me directly) is that the Post Office uses a different system of counties, boroughs, and city limits to everyone else, mainly so that they don't have to update routes and databases each time a different body changes things. So my postal address states I'm in a county that I do not live in, which causes some confusion
sebbuso a person could have changed name (married/divorced), changed phone number, changed adresses (including email since linked to ISP), but still be the same person
[Murray][mattl] thanks, straight out of a museum of archaic HTML 😄 Had no idea the `<hr>` element used to accept the `size` attribute! Interesting that it breaks up the text nodes like that, didn't realise that was a behaviour