#dev 2024-11-23
2024-11-23 UTC
GuestZero joined the channel
# [morganm] I posted a question in #indieweb forgetting to post here, Ill leave it there, and continue any discussion here
# [morganm] Best way to deploy a static site like a blog thats compatible with Early Hints on the server.
# [morganm] https://developer.chrome.com/docs/web-platform/early-hints - This Google article suggests three potential providers, curious if anymore
# [morganm] You are right, CDN/Cache is best. I was just curious to try out the feature and got excited. But then yeah someone else pointed out its pointless.
# [morganm] I need to read some more about how preconnects work. I thought early hints would be an improvement on that, in theory, but fairly pointless if the html is in a CDN I think now that I think more about it
jimw9 and GuestZero_ joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] [tantek] My search engine now has a few filters like `has:quote` and `has:code`: https://jamesg.blog/search-pages/?q=has:quote%20tantek&page=1
# capjamesg[d] [edit] [tantek] My search engine now has a few filters like `has:quote` and `has:code`: https://jamesg.blog/search-pages/?q=has:quote%20tantek&page=1
K1, Guest6_, [mattl]1, K3 and ttybitnik joined the channel