#dev 2024-12-16
2024-12-16 UTC
# tantek.com GWG sounds like a better topic for #indieweb-random
# [Joe_Crawford] Google: so like us. Google search console tells me that http :// joecrawford . com was added _*"January 1, 1970"*_
# [Joe_Crawford] BALEETED
bterry, claudinec and Kupietz joined the channel
# Kupietz Hey [Joe_Crawford] glad you're here... working on some additions to the xmas lights. Will have a new codepen up soon. Made them interactive... they'll dangle if you mouseover them. Got it live on my site already, but it's a little dodgy because I'm playing with CSS filters and firefox doesn't like them, it flickers a bit.
Kupietz, [aciccarello] and gRegor joined the channel
# 123nick idk if this is relevant, but i think this link: https://indieseek.xyz/links/ should be put more prominently in the https://indieweb.org/ site, and in other associated places (like this discord server). as someone who was interested in indieweb, i saw a LOT of things that were interesting to me but everywhere i looked i couldnt find the actual sites described in a lot of the text in the "About" section on the website and such.
# 123nick [edit] idk if this is relevant, but i think this link: https://indieseek.xyz/links/ should be put more prominently in the https://indieweb.org/ site, and in other associated places (like this discord server). as someone who was interested in indieweb, i saw a LOT of things that were interesting to me but everywhere i looked i couldnt find the actual sites described in a lot of the text in the "About" section on the website and su
CRISPR and bterry joined the channel
# [aciccarello] That seems like a cool site. I think it was mentioned recently. This is probably a better discussion for #indieweb-meta but I'm curious what could be clearer on the wiki that you couldn't find?
doesnm, gRegor, gRegorLove_, [lazcorp], barnaby, grufwub, [Murray], omz13, CRISPR, Kupietz, GuestZero_, Guest6, MyNetAz, nemonical, paotsaq, barnabywalters, bret, benji-, schmudde1, sivoais_, sebsel_, mooff and sebbu2 joined the channel
# 123nick honestly basically that link, or atleast some examples of indieweb websites to view
# [aciccarello] Ah I see. I think the https://indieseek.xyz/links/personalpages/ section could be relevant. Some of the other links don't seem as Indieweb related IMO
# Lars-Christian I think that's a fair point. The front page of the Indieweb wiki could probably link to the indieweb webring (if that's an official thing) or similar. To make it easy for people who just want to explore just get straight into that.
# [aciccarello] There is some more discussion in #indieweb-meta about a directory page
[mattl] and btrem joined the channel
# Loqi [preview] [gRegor] We have https://indieweb.org/alt#How_to_write_good_alt_text at least :)
# btrem re: the MDN page I mentioned. The discussion of the alt attribute, further down the page (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img#examples), has better examples. Full disclosure: I edited that section, to correct the numerous bad examples that used to be in that section.
barnaby joined the channel
barnaby joined the channel