#dev 2024-12-29
2024-12-29 UTC
[snarfed], ttybitnik, alephalpha0, grufwub, geoffo, kushal, Lars-Christian, mahboubine, Guest6, __DuBPiRaTe__, sebbu, GuestZero_, gRegor, Pixi and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] gRegor Can you share your domain?
# capjamesg[d] (that you used)
# capjamesg[d] Both should be supported.
# capjamesg[d] It looks like an issue in indieweb-utils (on which I depend, and maintain 😅 ).
# capjamesg[d] My code doesn't work with relative URLs 😭
# [snarfed] capjamesg when I tried with http://snarfed.org, I got the auth prompt on my site ok, but when I approved and it redirected back, Artemis said "Unable to redeem code"
# [snarfed] I then tried with https://snarfed.org and got "An unexpected error occurred," I assume a 500
# capjamesg[d] gRegor this is now fixed.
# capjamesg[d] Are you both using auth endpoints that aren't IndieAuth.com?
# capjamesg[d] That error happens when the POST to the token endpoint failed.
# capjamesg[d] Do you both have the ability to see why the POST to your token endpoint failed?
# capjamesg[d] The URL should look like yourtokenendpoint.com?grant_type=authorization_code&code=abc&client_id=https://artemis.jamesg.blog&redirect_uri=https://artemis.jamesg.blog/login/indieauth/callback&code_verifier=abc"
# capjamesg[d] gRegor can you try to sign in again?
# capjamesg[d] I just enabled logging on the POST request so I can see what's going on.
# capjamesg[d] Okay, I got `
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Invalid request"}
`# capjamesg[d] Token
# capjamesg[d] Ah, I was referring to the guidance in https://aaronparecki.com/2021/04/13/26/indieauth.
# capjamesg[d] [edit] Ah, I was referring to the guidance in https://aaronparecki.com/2021/04/13/26/indieauth.
# capjamesg[d] Which may be out of date now?
# capjamesg[d] Oh wait, ignore that.
# capjamesg[d] I misread it.
# capjamesg[d] I thought "You'll make a POST request to the authorization endpoint with the following parameters:" meant query params.
# capjamesg[d] My bad!
# capjamesg[d] One sec.
# capjamesg[d] gRegor mind trying again?
# capjamesg[d] Okay, different error this time.
# capjamesg[d] code_verifier is not valid