#dev 2024-12-31

2024-12-31 UTC
gRegor: Thank you!! I'll look into the JSON syntax
grufwub, jimw, [KevinMarks], bitauger and Guest6_ joined the channel
Another question about MicroPub as I'm finally getting a bit of time to unpack everything that is happening. The spec for media endpoints (https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#response-2) indicates that uploading an object should return a URL. It looks like Quill is then trying to fetch the object at that URL without any authentication. Since mine is a _private_ blogging platform, I don't want it to serve the object without a
[edit] Another question about MicroPub as I'm finally getting a bit of time to unpack everything that is happening. The spec for media endpoints (https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#response-2) indicates that uploading an object should return a URL. It looks like Quill is then trying to fetch the object at that URL without any authentication. Since mine is a _private_ blogging platform, I don't want it to serve the object wi
quill is only trying to fetch it to show you a preview, nothing will break if it can't actually fetch it
the other way to approach it is like how many websites handle it, and use a sufficiently random URL for the image such that it is effectively unguessable (known as a "capability URL")
and the URL is only expected to be accessible until it is used in a micropub request and then it can be deleted from that URL
capjamesg[d] re the passkey support in your reader, curious how you avoided the problems described in this article: https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/12/passkey-technology-is-elegant-but-its-most-definitely-not-usable-security/
aaronpk: Great to know, thanks! The follow `create` request seems to be specifying a data URL, which is why I assumed Quill was treating the upload as a failure. Do you know why it isn't using the returned media URL?
@havenmatt is this in the blog post editor in quill?
I'm using that editor
ok yea
that means it thinks the media upload request failed, so it's falling back to sending the image data from the browser
something about the media endpoint response isn't indicating that the upload was successful
(most commonly this is because people return http 200 instead of 201)
From my server logs: `Completed 201 Created in 466ms`
and is there also a Location header with the URL?
I'm not logging the location header, but the subsequent GET request uses the correct image URL. But interestingly the GET is from _my_ IP
might be helpful to go through the tests on https://micropub.rocks since that gives you some better debug info
[tantek] I definitely think there is work to do on the UX of the technology.
I wish there was a link to manage passkeys on the iOS prompts.
In testing, I made passkeys for a few different accounts, and now they are all listed in the pop up.
But micropub.rocks doesn't support PKCE!
Of course, that is not representative of a typical experience, but it was a papercut I found frustrating.
ooh crap, true, i haven't touched that in a long time
I intentionally list password authentication at the top of the login options.
This ensures that the experience most users will expect is above all else.
Given the nascent nature of passkeys, I wonder if I should have an explainer page where you set up your passkeys that explain how they work.
I love the idea of passwordless auth, but honestly I want a password to fall back on.
I can experiment with making images public and seeing if that makes a difference, I'll report back eventually aaronpk[d]
I don't like how 1Password tries to hook in as a passkey provider when my passkeys are saved in iCloud, either.
i don't think that will make a difference, but let me know
It's unintuitive to know I need to press X to dismiss the 1Password modal before the OS modal will pop up with my passkeys.
oh @havenmatt micropub.rocks also lets you add a micropub URL and access token manually so you can skip the indieauth step for it
aaronpk Did I do the client.json thing right?
i think so!
(speaking of things that need a test suite)
I wish indieauth.com showed the app name 😄
Me too
IndieLogin.net should tho
Oops IndieLogin.com
omg wrong way around never mind
I haven't had enough coffee yet
coffee has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
[snarfed] has 53 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
[snarfed]++ for answering a very basic bluesky api q in https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/discussions/2572
capjamesg[d] a short blog post about even just your few brief frustrations with passkey and your observation about password being the "easy flow" for most users would be great!
Like literally what you wrote above with maybe screenshots in between
Xe and gRegor joined the channel
aaronpk: Oh, good to know! Thanks
anyone seen solid+indieauth stack? afaik solid-oidc supports dynamic client registration. But CSS shows 500 error if i just supply error like indieauth
which solid?
what is solid
Solid is an abbreviation for Social Linked Data (originally capitalized as SOLID, sometimes as SoLiD), a web-based protocol designed for decentralized social web applications and Linked Data with features such as single sign-on, universal access control, and a universal data API https://indieweb.org/Solid
homepage and blog can be hosted in pod. Also access to apps controlled by quite modified oidc
what is a passkey
It looks like we don't have a page for "passkey" yet. Would you like to create it?_c (Or just say "passkey is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is Webauthn
Web Authentication (WebAuthn) is a W3C Recommendation for an API to access public key credentials, including for a browser, optionally with the use of a hardware key https://indieweb.org/webauthn
close enough. passkeys are only one "implementation" of Webauthn right?
webauthn << Criticism of Passkeys usability in particular: 2024-12-30 Ars Technica: [https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/12/passkey-technology-is-elegant-but-its-most-definitely-not-usable-security/ Passkey technology is elegant, but it’s most definitely not usable security]
ok, I added "Criticism of Passkeys usability in particular: 2024-12-30 Ars Technica: [https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/12/passkey-technology-is-elegant-but-its-most-definitely-not-usable-security/ Passkey technology is elegant, but it’s most definitely not usable security]" to the "See Also" section of /Web_Authentication https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=99366&oldid=90729
webauthn << more usability criticisms of passkeys etc (turn these into citations with the template) 2024-10-14 [https://systemsapproach.org/2024/10/14/can-passkeys-replace-passwords/ Can Passkeys Replace Passwords] / Timely idea faces deployment challenges; 2024-04-08 [https://proton.me/blog/big-tech-passkey Big Tech passkey implementations are a trap]; 2024-09-09
ok, I added "more usability criticisms of passkeys etc (turn these into citations with the template) 2024-10-14 [https://systemsapproach.org/2024/10/14/can-passkeys-replace-passwords/ Can Passkeys Replace Passwords] / Timely idea faces deployment challenges; 2024-04-08 [https://proton.me/blog/big-tech-passkey Big Tech passkey implementations are a trap]; 2024-09-09" to the "See Also" section of /Web_Authentication https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=99367&oldid=99366
GuestZero, sebbu2 and bterry2 joined the channel
[tantek]++ that passkey read was quite interesting!
[tantek] has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (138 in all channels)
capjamesg Would the following be an appropriate example of consuming the client.json thing? https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth/pull/59
[edit] capjamesg Would the following be an appropriate example of consuming the client.json thing? https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth/pull/59
[preview] [carrvo] #59 optionally query client_id endpoint for more display info
[preview] [carrvo] #59 optionally query client_id endpoint for more display info
I believe so!
I didn't know about the client_tos property!
Good to know.
I included displaying the fields I felt were most consumer palitable. Note that I made sure to still include the raw client ID.