#dev 2025-01-08

2025-01-08 UTC
[Joe_Crawford] Are there best practices for adding images to articles like this:
I was wondering about some specifics If this is covered in the indiweb longevity article, let me know. My site is hosted on github using Netlify. It is an SSG site using Hugo. Im concerned about the longevity of the site because I have to renew the SSL certificate every year. Much of my content doesn't need to be behind SSL and if I die or become incapacitated, it like to have that content available. At one point I was t
great question! Cert expiration (or the maintaining the scripts that renew it) is definitely a longevity admintax challenge
capjamesg[d] in a general sense words and pictures ought to augment each other in a layout - one colors and improves the other - and neither should interfere with the other. Elements in harmony. In the screenshot you posted I find myself thinking the crop on the photo itself should be tighter on its subject, the mug, and the space between the ragged left edge of the type and the image should be less distractingly close. Adequate
negative space a designer might say.
Web layouts have the additional need to be able to work depending on the viewport.
Whereas paper magazines and books know precisely how much space they have to work within.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I have a netlify site but I let netlify handle updating the certs
I feel like GitHub static sites with SSL on a custom domain are handled automatically and without charging anything right?
Yeah, I never had to do anything special when my site was on GitHub Pages either
The main times I've encountered issues with certs is when trying to access sites from a really old computer.
That might be a good backup site serving strategy
like if you're not already serving a static site from GitHub, then occasionally generate/export static files to a GH repo and have it standing by to flip a switch to serve your domain instead of your web host
Could be worth trying out such a setup like when you go on vacation
There may be some tricky bits to "get right" for some cases. E.g. if you handle webmentions yourself, you may need to have a wmio setup standing by that the static HTML on github would use
or some other service to collect your webmentions while your site is in static unattended mode
jeremycherfas, vriska, grufwub, gRegor, [morganm], jimw3, angelo, cdravcte and chrisaldrich joined the channel
can i use fed.brid.gy with "website" like this? https://doesnm.p.psf.lt/twtxt.html
nemonical, [Murray], paotsaq, gRegor, glacier and ttybitnik joined the channel
upd: seems not because it's five-level domain
barnaby and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
[aciccarello]: My certs are handled with the domain host Gandi. It looks like the changed ownership and appears to me they are going through an enshitification phase so I am looking to move my domain to another host. My understanding is you are supposed to run through a renewal for the SSL cert every year for custom domains. Are you saying you don't have to do that with Netlify? Im using the free version of Netlify so I
@trinsic_paridiom just fyi but some of your messages are getting cut off due to length over a couple of the bridges
I see as far as "of Netlify so I" and then it just stops
But I think I can see where your question was going, so I'll say this: I use Netlify (free tier) for a number of projects, along with domains hosted on both Netlify and a UK registrar, 123-Reg. I haven't had to manually update an SSL cert in _years_
If you're looking to jump ship anyway, I'd suggest using Netlify. I've yet to run into any issues with the domains I've transferred across. I've never bought/registered through Netlify, only transferred
I'm on Gandi as well, why the enshittification phase? Curious about that!
ttybitnik and [snarfed] joined the channel
doesnm: http://fed.brid.gy doesn't care how many segments are in your domain name, but it only supports top-level sites, ie based on their home page, not individual pages like that. https://fed.brid.gy/docs#web-get-started
edmael t​rinsic_paridiom: agreed re Gandi, I've used them for decade(s), they've always been clueful and good, I'd also be curious to hear any specific problems
snarfed: oh, ok. Btw can you help in my issue with bsky account?: I'm created did:web and profile on my pds and after login i see that my account in deactivated state. Attempt to reactivate shows this error: DID document verification method does not match expected signing key
nemonical joined the channel
hmm! I don't have any experience running their reference PDS, sorry
try the PDS admin Discord? https://discord.gg/UWS6FFdhMe
i don't have discord. Also he's censored in my country
t​rinsic_paridiom, yes Netlify will generate certificates from Let's Encrypt for you. https://docs.netlify.com/domains-https/https-ssl/#netlify-managed-certificates
that's great!
[snarfed] have you seen https://rknight.me/blog/webmentions-redux/ and curious what your thought are about it. It seems like it may have some misconceptions about webmentions and deletes and bridgy backfeed?
[preview] Robb Knight
has anyone built a "streak" feature into their site that shows various things they've kept doing for every day?
I've come to dislike "streak" features. The only one I keep up with is Duolingo.
aciccarello, that's pretty funny because that's the one I hear most maligned from my circle (like it's an annoyance and distracts them from being with their friends in-person)
yes, streak features are a form of gamification
what is gamification
Gamification is applying the principles of game design to other software - originally focused on usability, it has become a byword for dark patterns exploiting intermittent reinforcement and leader boards https://indieweb.org/Gamification
Duolingo has leaned into the meme
And there are streak freezes so missing a day doesn't have to matter too much.
I do think there is some gamification potential for reinforcing positive behaviors with our own websites
Interesting, I did not know gamification had some bad rep with dark patterns and the like.
I still wish for a budgeting app that functioned like the old Rollercoaster Tycoon so I am probably for gamification.
carrvo[d], I do believe there is A LOT of positive potential in gamification on personal sites
which is why I'm starting to document more of what I've seen, and some brainstorming
happy to have help!
When I clean up the mess of files on my computer!
Yes, definitely interested in combining principles from games. Already subscribe to a few YouTube channels that are insightful.
gRegor joined the channel
domain is switching hoster (and registrar), currently offline (redirecting somewhere else)
sebbu2 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
It wasn't set up for tracking streaks or gamifying, but my posting graph could be adapted to something like that: https://indieweb.org/posting_graph#gRegor_Morrill
gRegor indeed! I think the posting graphs that various folks display on their home pages (adactio, aaronpk) are a form of gentle(r) gamification, low pressure but still providing some incentive towards a particular behavior
wondering if we have a page for those
bret joined the channel
yeah posting graph is the more general version than sparkline
!tell aaronpk do you remember when you added sparklines to your home page?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ttybitnik joined the channel
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 21 minutes ago: do you remember when you added sparklines to your home page?
i didn't post about it when I added it to my home page, but I did when I added them to my tag pages
Yup found that one
Figured I'd ask you before I tried binary searching Internet Archive of your home page
[preview] [Aaron Parecki] A couple post-indiewebcamp hacks I did on the plane coming back: • Updated layout of 3-up multiphoto posts • Thanks to @adactio, I now ping archive.org with any URLs I link to in a post • Fixed a bug with my inline "load more" links • Ag...
I found it!
April 2016