#dev 2025-01-10

2025-01-10 UTC
[Joe_Crawford] How can I set the size of a font such that the text will take up 100% of the parent container without overflowing?
[tantek]2 joined the channel
You can’t is the short answer.
We take text rendering for granted and think of it as simple and straightforward, and it is not JWZ recently made a JavaScript tool to do what you describe. And the way to do it is to program a box, put text in it keep adjusting the size up using JavaScript And then when the element suddenly gets taller because the text wraps go smaller.
that sounds like some text fitting code i've written for auto PDF layouts
DNA Sign on https://www.jwz.org/hacks/
Fluid type works (https://utopia.fyi/) to an extent in making the text scale, but there is a specific breakpoint after which the text overflows.
[edit] Fluid type works (https://utopia.fyi/) to an extent in making the text scale, but there is a specific breakpoint after which the text overflows.
Jwz’s snarky comment: “Wrapping text remains the hardest problem in computer science.”
History: look of SIFR and Cufon
It looks like you can do it in JS.
There’s a reason <nobr> was always my favorite HTML tag.
For the original question, there is some work on "copy fitting" and I think even some CSS properties to do that in development
wtf chrome?
Why is Ask AI at the top of the menu when you right click on an element? 😭
(For the record, I use Firefox.)
you can do it in SVG, but it will squish the text horizontally
capjamesg[d], oh no, Firefox has "Ask AI" now? Cancer.
<svg width="100%" height="100%"><text x="0%" y="80%" font-size="3em" textLength="100%" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs">Kevin Marks</text></svg>
squashing the text is cheating
Thats what we used to do in the early 90s, you remember the t-shirt styles
[Murray] joined the channel
@trinsic_paridiom Sorry for any confusion, I did not mean to imply that the SSL certs are not renewed. Just that most hosts will do that for you, so I, personally, haven't had to worry about it in years.
Kolev Chrome, not Firefox.
I wasn't using Firefox when I took that screenshot, but I wanted to say I usually use Firefox.
IndieAuth folks... please chime in with your opinion on this! https://github.com/aaronpk/draft-parecki-oauth-client-id-metadata-document/issues/26
[preview] [aaronpk] #26 Using `client_url` instead of `client_id` in authorize request
I thought OpenID was mostly dead?
How so?
!tell [manton] two bits of feedback I've gotten re the updated micro.one and http://micro.blog home pages. (1) There's no obvious gallery of example micro.one or http://micro.blog blogs to look at to get an idea of what you are "getting". I had to ask the person to click your blog at the bottom of the home page, then click Discover, or your recommended blogs. (2) Even in Discover all the blogs look the same — would be better to see a
variety of different blogs to show what is possible with customizing templates/themes. (3) the "Recommends 21 blogs" goes to a login wall which is a weird experience, why do I have to login to see your list of recommended blogs?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
osteophage what services do you use that you can sign into with OpenID?
OpenID 1 is almost entirely dead
OpenID Connect is very much alive
Dreamwidth. Haven't used OpenID with it myself, but I remember noticing the option a while back.
wow I just tried it and it worked!
Glad to hear it!
Yeah we have that on /OpenID
Having a hard time at first glance with the OpenID Federation spec. It looks like `metadata` is in the JSON entity statement itself, so basically OpenID Federation doesn't need to fetch the `client_id`, is that the general idea?
[manton] joined the channel
[tantek] Good feedback, thanks! That last one seems like a bug. It shouldn’t require login for that. I’ll fix it.
The “recommended blogs” list actually can be hosted anywhere, though, so it’s not a good example of only http://Micro.blog blogs.
gRegor: check out the "automatic registration" section https://openid.net/specs/openid-federation-1_0.html#section-12.1
[manton] ah no worries re: your recommended 21 blogs
I think the higher level question was where can I "explore" a variety of existing micro.blogs to understand some of the potential? a curated gallery of sorts perhaps with people that have done "interesting" things with their templates/themes
I remember this problem from the old old days of blogging where on every "sign up to blog here!" service, all the blogs either looked the same, so you had to choose different services to get different looks, or there was only a fixed number of different themes you could pick from, and if you didn't like those then tough (like old Blogger IIRC)
whereas my understanding of the reality of http://micro.blog (and micro.one right?) is the sky is kinda the limit for a custom Hugo theme - you can make your http://micro.blog look like anything, like a Tumblr, like a random WordPress blog (if that's the look you're going for), like a Twitter stream (sorta the default already), maybe like a Discord channel in dark mode with lots of bright gamer colors etc.
anyway, all this as feedback as a result of pitching http://micro.blog / micro.one to lots of folks 1:1 🙂
Thanks! Yep, that’s exactly right, themes can look like anything. A showcase of different designs makes a lot of sense.
gregsarjeant, geoffo, bugliker, grufwub, claudinec, bterry1, troojg and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
bridgy fef doesn't support h-feed, only atom?
[Murray], ttybitnik and [manton] joined the channel
You can make Blogger look like anything, but the template language is a bit hinky, and by default it gives you a separate mobile style which is a bit retro.
nemonical, [Murray], [marksuth], [KevinMarks]1, [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I have vague memories of trying to hack blogger templates and it was a bit ornery IIRC. Does hinky ~= ornery? 😆
It was fussy xml with html inside so would give confusing validation errors iirc. Last time I spent a lot of time on it was adding mf1 to default templates circa 2008
that also sounds familiar
troojg joined the channel
I don’t think that Blogger format has changed since 2008. 🙂
I get requests sometimes to import Blogger themes. It’s kind of a mess, though, so I haven’t tackled it yet.
troojg and [snarfed] joined the channel
doesnm Bridgy Fed supports microformats2 h-entry, via webmention! https://fed.brid.gy/docs#web-how-post
GuestZero_ joined the channel
[snarfed]++ BridgyFed++
BridgyFed has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
[snarfed] has 51 karma in this channel over the last year (92 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] do you know if anyone attempted a Blogger theme edit (and documented how to) to add microformats2 h-feed h-entry h-card support?
gRegor, GuestZero and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[snarfed]: i need to announce webmention receiver?
doesnm if you don't want to use Atom or RSS, you'd send a webmention to https://fed.brid.gy/ from the post on your site that you want to publish
[snarfed]: yes, but i can't register site without webmention endpoint announced?
it show error
hmm. what's the domain?
https://doesnm.p.psf.lt. Now i'm move h-feed to main page
BF doesn't poll h-feed like it polls Atom or RSS. you can use webmention to trigger each h-entry separately
ah, sorry, you're right. Bridgy Fed does look for a webmention endpoint advertised on your home page as a signal that you can send webmentions
you're right that it's not strictly necessary, but it's a close enough signal that you probably send them too
website restaured \o/
oh, ok
sebbu: i see only "under construction'
[snarfed] has 52 karma in this channel over the last year (93 in all channels)
[Joschi_Kuphal], sebbu2, troojg and ttybitnik joined the channel