#dev 2025-01-25
2025-01-25 UTC
dissolve22[d], DJ_[dj_je][d], [tw2113], Kolev, yewscion_, capjamesg, grufwub, claudinec, srushe, rob32, eb_, okCiel, ramsey, bitauger, mooff, jak2k, nemonical, [aciccarello], [Jo], ttybitnik and [qubyte] joined the channel
[schmarty] hmm. tried to reproduce the webring login issue. i have a test site at https://backinthe.club/ with rel=me links but no indieauth metadata to speak of. I'm able to use it to sign in at http://indielogin.com with email. however, i can also sign into the webring just fine with the same technique.

[schmarty] lol thx loqi

[schmarty] i think the fetch-the-page issue only comes up when the originally entered `me` value isn't identical to the `me` value returned by the http://indielogin.com, but i haven't yet been able to trigger that. 🤔

[schmarty] http://indielogin.com so far faithfully gives back a `me` value for any URL that it can find `rel=me` on, which makes sense (e.g. http:// instead of https://, adding /index.html, ...). i don't have any redirection set up for this domain yet. enabling http=>https and i'll try again.

[schmarty] http://indielogin.com might be caching something. still letting me sign-in as the http: version of my domain. i'll check back later.

[schmarty] aaronpk++ thanks! i cleared the session but was still able to sign in as http://backintheclub/ 🤔

[schmarty] not sure that i'm even barking up the right tree. gonna need a way to repro this issue if i'm going to fix it though, ha

[schmarty] to my understanding: someone sets up RelMeAuth on their page, can use it to sign in with http://indielogin.com, but trying to do so on the webring fails because the webring is trying to fetch the `me` page that indielogin returned.

[schmarty] my theory is that should only happen if the webring was given a different `me` value than what http://indielogin.com returned. so i'm trying to figure out ways to trigger that, haha.

[schmarty] (also possible: the webring and indielogin are normalizing the entered `me` value in different ways)

[schmarty] 😳

[schmarty] hahaha, yeah that makes sense!

[schmarty] thank goodness. honestly i think that first "trick" is... like, yeah i don't wanna support that!

[schmarty] aw man! the webring should be normalizing URLs before sending them along. that's a great place to look, thanks!

aaronpk so you just need to normalize the entered URL to include the trailing slash, as described here https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#url-canonicalization (yes I realize we are not actually talking about the indieauth spec but same difference)

[schmarty] yeah the webring _should_ be doing that. it's a bug i've fixed before! regressions, ugh.

[snarfed] joined the channel
[schmarty] i'm re-familiarizing myself with this code but i am confused, as well. the login-start code relies on indieauth-client-php to do the normalizing _and_ the session storage of what was entered vs what comes back. https://git.schmarty.net/schmarty/micropubkit/src/branch/main/src/IndieAuthController.php#L32-L48

[schmarty] well that's a good question 😂

[schmarty] ahaaaaaa, i override that method i just linked! https://git.schmarty.net/schmarty/gem-diamond/src/branch/main/app/IndieAuthController.php#L14-L57

[schmarty] `// NOTE: this duplicates a _bunch_ of \IndieAuth\Client::begin. Smells like a refactor maybe?`

[schmarty] a bunch. and yet, not enough.

[schmarty] let's find out!

[schmarty] client_id should now be the path to the JSON document for the client, right?

[schmarty] ok, yep, that's all workin'.

[schmarty] aaronpk++ many thanks! now i once again get to hunt down dupes with slash vs no-slash. well. someday.

[schmarty] i really struggle with keeping focus and energy on indieweb projects like this. i _need_ to figure out how to make these building blocks work like actual building blocks.

[schmarty] nice thing about a monolith is you know the answer is _somewhere_ in this one repo, haha

[schmarty] yeppp

[schmarty] planning++

[schmarty] 😅 was afraid i'd botched deleting some dupes because i couldn't find snarfed or manton in the webring directory afterwards even though their domain-with-slash entries were still there and their without-slash ones were gone. turns out they just don't have the webring links anymore, haha.

[schmarty] system working as intended.

carrvo[d] aaronpk, schmarty, I also ran into a slash vs no slash issue. I don't know if it is related but I raised a fix: https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth-client-php/pull/28
carrvo[d] [edit] aaronpk, schmarty, I also ran into a slash vs no slash issue. I don't know if it is related but I raised a fix: https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth-client-php/pull/28
carrvo[d] I ran headfirst into something where my meta endpoint returning slashed or slashless failed the check. I don't remember why, but I think two different dependencies wanted different things.
carrvo[d] I doubt it would have any negative consequences because my fix only normalizes for the comparison, and passes through the original.
aaronpk yeah I think the same URL canonicalization rules here should also apply to the issuer URL https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#url-canonicalization

carrvo[d] I was just looking at that. Completely missed it when I was implementing so I will have to compare it with MIndie-IdP...
carrvo[d] Yeah, that implies it should always have a slash.
carrvo[d] Yup, I'll have to fix mine 😦
carrvo[d] But I have to modify the lib on my system either way to normalize
bterry joined the channel
carrvo[d] A bit of a tangent, is there a way for a browser to accept a self-signed certificate without insecurely installing it to the root store? I think I tried the me store but my browser still gave an insecure warning.
carrvo[d] I ask because using IndieAuth in an offline network either needs HTTP (no S), users to ignore warnings, (bad practice), or the answer to my question.
aaronpk actually this might still work if you want to use this CA: https://ssl.indieweb.org/

carrvo[d] That is what I found so far. "My own CA" sounds like the root cert is self-signed, and that still poses a high risk...
carrvo[d] Right, but I learned that CAs in the root store can be used to impersonate any site. It would be better if I could say "only trust this CA for this domain and subdomains".
carrvo[d] Like, I get that you need the root store to be trusted for other domains or services such as Let'sEncrypt can't work.
carrvo[d] I cannot fully trust that my in-house CA won't be easily compromised.
carrvo[d] How so?
aaronpk let's say your CA was compromised and anyone can issue a cert for any domain with it. your computer would be the only one trusting that CA in the first place, so only your computer would be at risk in the first place. in order to actually do anything bad, your computer's DNS would also have to resolve a domain to the attacker's IP. so if someone also hacked your router to trick your computer into

carrvo[d] Ah.
carrvo[d] So if I had a friend over and got them to install my CA, as long as my app server is found through mDNS I can't muck with their machine.
jimw and rrix joined the channel
carrvo[d] sknebel++ will have to look into this long term, thanks!
carrvo[d] What do you mean by "generally accepted certs in local networks"?
carrvo[d] Like, how do you get Let'sEncrypt to issue them?
sebbu2 joined the channel
carrvo[d] Ah! I considered that, and still am. Long term I have to consider the differences between my own DNS server and mDNS 😦
carrvo[d] sknebel++ that is still very helpful!
[KevinMarks], gRegor, barnaby and bterry joined the channel