#dev 2025-02-01
2025-02-01 UTC
gRegor, grufwub, alpal, ttybitnik, jak2k, [marksuth] and nemonical joined the channel
ttybitnik joined the channel
carrvo > invalid_request .../indieauth-client-php/redirect.php on line 16, Invalid code provided https://tokens.indieauth.com/token
carrvo It would be referring to https://github.com/carrvo/mindie-client/blob/31cd80478150dadb3be9f06b685de98a97e2e417/indieauth-client-php/redirect.php#L16
carrvo [edit] It would be referring to https://github.com/carrvo/mindie-client/blob/31cd80478150dadb3be9f06b685de98a97e2e417/indieauth-client-php/redirect.php#L16
carrvo Hmm. Strange that it would fail there.
carrvo aaronpk, could this be related to some of your changes? I would expect indieauth-client-php to be compatible with tokens.indieauth.com (and I don't have anything else on my end to go on).
carrvo doesnm++
carrvo Oh! I found more looking back a log file.
GuestZero joined the channel
carrvo Looks like a stack trace on my IdP so probably not relevant.
carrvo snarfed, my client makes a fundamental assumption in this line: https://github.com/carrvo/mindie-client/blob/31cd80478150dadb3be9f06b685de98a97e2e417/indieauth-client-php/redirect.php#L67
carrvo [edit] snarfed, my client makes a fundamental assumption in this line: https://github.com/carrvo/mindie-client/blob/31cd80478150dadb3be9f06b685de98a97e2e417/indieauth-client-php/redirect.php#L67
carrvo What service authentication are you expecting on your introspection endpoint?
carrvo I did what was easy for me, but I am not particularly happy with it long term.
[Sophia_wood] and nemonical joined the channel
carrvo GWG, what authentication is expected by the WordPress plugin during introspection? And what format is the returned body in?
carrvo mod_oauth2 might not recognize `
` as a valid token.#
carrvo Yeah, there a few more required fields https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#access-token-verification-response
carrvo [edit] Yeah, there a few more required fields https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#access-token-verification-response
carrvo Most notably OAuth needs the `sub` claim.
carrvo Here is mine for reference https://github.com/carrvo/mindie-idp/blob/7b48896bfe31c6b022b75e26594ce045b7f1e22e/mintoken/endpoint.php#L247
carrvo [edit] Here is mine for reference https://github.com/carrvo/mindie-idp/blob/7b48896bfe31c6b022b75e26594ce045b7f1e22e/mintoken/endpoint.php#L247
carrvo I believe `sub` is my minimum so that mod_oauth2 can set the Apache user for other modules to process.
carrvo I can raise the issue a bit later if you would like to know who it came from.
carrvo Now that I found the repo.
rrix joined the channel
carrvo [edit] @GWG https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth/issues/286
carrvo I may have misread the code on my small screen.
carrvo Does it include the `sub` claim though? That was an issue I encountered: the IndieAuth spec suggests that it is optional but pure OAuth clients expect it.
carrvo Then I misread the code. I don't have any tokens in my log.
carrvo I was mistaken as I tried to trace things.
carrvo Then it is up to you whether to add it or close the issue. They just won't be able to log in with me.
carrvo GWG++ thanks for discussing it with me!
sebbu2 and GuestZero joined the channel
carrvo snarfed, I have updated my endpoint so now it should hopefully tell you about the error.
gRegor joined the channel
gRegor doesnm, I've not seen mblaney around chat in quite a while. You might try emailing or git to file an issue. The indieauth implementation probably needs updated to latest spec version. https://gitlab.com/dobrado/dobrado

Loqi dobrado is an open source multi-user content management system that supports many indieweb features https://indieweb.org/dobrado

gRegor dobrado << https://gitlab.com/dobrado/dobrado

Loqi ok, I added "https://gitlab.com/dobrado/dobrado" to the "See Also" section of /dobrado https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=99785&oldid=97104

ant-x, jonnybarnes9 and claudinec joined the channel