#dev 2025-02-13
2025-02-13 UTC
bret and aczietlow joined the channel
[tantek] anyone know how Feedly consumes/parses BlueSky profiles/posts? https://feedly.com/new-features/posts/bluesky

[tantek] capjamesg[d], add to your AI reading list: https://gizmodo.com/microsoft-study-finds-relying-on-ai-kills-your-critical-thinking-skills-2000561788 😂

saptaks, oxtyped, gRegor, [tw2113], troojg, bookeater, bterry and grufwub joined the channel
GuestZero, GWG, nanoflite, strugee- and Viv_Slakes joined the channel
carrvo aaronpk, what is the difference between IndieAuth.com and IndieLogin.com? Is it that IndieAuth.com acts as an IdP that users can add to their profile and IndieLogin.com acts as a client intermediary that developers can add to their client?
carrvo What would happen if I had a profile with IndieLogon.com listed as the `rel="authorization_endpoint"` (or in the metadata endpoint)?
NaomiAmethyst, ttybitnik, nanoflite and nemonical joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I think feedly would use the bsky API we used for bsky.link

capjamesg[d] [Murray] Oooh, good thought!

capjamesg[d] I did want to allow multiple choices to be selected, but I hadn't thought about using a checkbox instead.

[KevinMarks] using checkboxes is clearer for that, yes

aaronpk carrvo: yes indieauth.com is meant to be an IdP users can use for their website, indielogin.com is a client for devs to use to sign users in. I am not actually sure what happens if you link to indielogin.com with rel=authorization_endpoint but if it doesn't currently error out I should make sure it does

capjamesg[d] [Murray] I'm rolling out a change now.

doesnm aaronpk: for me it shows "This client_id is not registered (https://indielogin.com/id)"

[Sophia_wood] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Fixing.

capjamesg[d] Fixed!

capjamesg[d] [Murray] A review of the semantics would be appreciated!

[Murray] [capjamesg] looks good! The only suggestion I'd have is wrapping the whole thing in a `<form>` element, and use the `<button type="submit">` within the form itself to trigger the submit, but there may be a variety of reasons why you've done it the way you have and it's not strictly better my way 😉

[lazcorp] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Perfect for Paul. Suspect people would love some reposting/share options though your prerogative capjamesg[g]++
[dshanske] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [tantek] I picked ~20 or so.

capjamesg[d] You can read the JavaScript on the page to see which 😄

capjamesg[d] Oops, 37 elements.

jak2k, GuestZero_ and GuestZer| joined the channel
carrvo aaronpk, I will give it a try sometime in the next week I hope. It would be nice to support it but IndieAuth.com might be more appropriate.
GWG and btrem joined the channel
gRegor, nemonical, Chailotl and barnaby joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [Jo]++ yep!

[Joe_Crawford] the number was `document.querySelectorAll(':user-valid').length` triggered `onsubmit` note that it was not scoped to the form, and not scoped to only inputs, so it's possible that encompasses non-radio, non-checkbox elements
[Joe_Crawford] button, form, inputs I added to page may be part of that count. It's also possible there are other elements which participate in `:user-valid` (does legend? does label?)
nanoflite, Chailotl, ttybitnik, bret, sebbu2, lanodan and MyNetAz joined the channel