#events 2024-11-01
2024-11-01 UTC
gRegorLove_, jimw, ps_gro, jimw0, [Joe_Crawford], lazcorp, codebuzz and [Joschi_Kuphal] joined the channel
[Joschi_Kuphal] ↩️ [tantek] as i'll be on the road from monday, i'm already preparing everything for the weekend. i'll definitely bring everything with me:
[Joschi_Kuphal] • the 360° degree camera
[Joschi_Kuphal] • large sticky notes
[Joschi_Kuphal] if i understood you correctly, i don't need to bring lanyards, right? the building-block-posters are in this github-repository: https://github.com/sebilasse/indieweb-origami/tree/master/Poster if you want me to print them out, please let me know, but of course mozilla can do that too. and what i didn't understand is if i should bring signs with arrows (i'm not sure, but i might have templates from düsseldorf for that)
GWG- [Joschi_Kuphal]: What do you need from me for remote participation support?
[Joschi_Kuphal] ↩️ basically, i just need someone to give me the right zoom link at the right time, and the access credentials for it. and if individual sessions are to be recorded, then it would be great if someone could start the recording.
capjamesg[d] I'm happy to do this if needed!

GWG- I'll try to help out remotely.
GWG- capjamesg[d]: You are there in the flesh?
capjamesg[d] GWG Yes!

capjamesg[d] ++

[morganm] and [qubyte] joined the channel
Loqi [Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Nov 9 - 10, 2024 IndieWebCamp Berlin 2024" changed description "add description" https://events.indieweb.org/event/537/history/1909/diff

sebbu joined the channel
Loqi [Event Updated] gregorlove.com updated "Oct 30, 2024 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - Pacific - Pre-Halloween Edition" changed description "+wiki notes" https://events.indieweb.org/event/672/history/1910/diff

GWG- I'll be there in spirit
Kupietz, [aciccarello] and kimmy joined the channel