#events 2025-03-06

2025-03-06 UTC
We have a HWC tonight? I completely forgot. Where does the week go?
[New Event] david.shanske.com created "Mar 19, 2025 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - Pacific" https://events.indieweb.org/0w2cNQKjdfew
[Event Updated] david.shanske.com updated "Mar 19, 2025 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - Americas" changed name, notes_url, description, tags https://events.indieweb.org/event/736/history/2046/diff
[artlung] and [morganm] joined the channel
Created https://indieweb.org/events/2025-03-06-hwc-pacific. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
is there a fresh today?
when is fresh
Front End Study Hall #023 in 5 days https://events.indieweb.org/WmHNZ7nKEp1Z
[KevinMarks], [qubyte] and [Trevor_Morris] joined the channel
[Jo] was there something specific you were wishing to look at today, FrESH-wise?
yeah i did actually. how to stop the footer from hanging in "mid-air" when theres too little content on a page. so like how to either get the footer to stick to the bottom or have enough padding that the background fills the rest of the viewport. a lot of solutions ive seen on stackoverflow + co are a little idiotic
aelaraji1 joined the channel
I like to set a rule like min-height: 90vh on the container above the footer.
That ensures that the container is 90% of the height of the viewport.
There may be a better way to do it though!
Yes, a minimum height for the usual preceding blocks would do that.
https://codepen.io/cbracco/pen/kQmVGM uses position absolute which isn't great. min-height: calc(100vh-100px) or whatever height your footer is. Both of those need to know the height of your footer, though. Might be a technique with flexbox.
thanks! im on my phone rn and it does end at the bottom of the viewport, but i get to scroll *past* the footer if the content is too small (so if all details are closed) :^°
I like the line effect on the code snippets.
ooh i just saw that!
I simplified the styles on the details elements and that thing you saw [Jo] *ought* to be resolved.
it is 🥳 thanks!
There's something real interesting there. I need to read more and experiment more on what I did. Something to do with something special about details and summary and setting widths and heights.
as usual, less css works better than more.
[artlung]++ great demo!
[artlung] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
also when i expand the html details tag it gets a huge margin after the footer again, i think it probably has to do with how the preformatted text is wider than my phone screen and it overflows on the x-axis and then the math gets weird or something
[artlung]++ yes thank you!!
[artlung] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
The codepen is simpler. :)
Was just going to share the codepen the felt the pull of POSSE. Live IndieWeb values!
and the way you asked it Jo, it’s something I’ve solved many ways. Perennial problem. 25 years ago it would be a column with a single pixel gif that would be very tall.
oh wow 😂
[snarfed] and sebbu joined the channel