#known 2015-08-13

2015-08-13 UTC
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, erinjo and mattl joined the channel
Apparently it's going to get any url too
aaronpk that might be not what's wanted exactly
tantek joined the channel
endi and cptmashek joined the channel
hey all, anyone using OwnYourGram in combination w/ your Known site?
endi, pretty sure benwerd is
ok, mines been working great until recently and I don't know if I broke something
@benwerd @ev @saragoldrickrab we mostly picked tools we were predisposed to like. I am a fan of both @Medium and @withknown.
@benwerd @ev @saragoldrickrab @Medium @withknown But goal was to think critically about why and whether we choose a tool.
Since I grab the .zip from github I'm not sure if I caught Known at a bad time or if something changed w/ OwnYourGram; I tried reconnecting and it reposted my last post still no comment w/ link and no comments/likes sent to site
It may be because I tagged someone thought; first time I have tagged another instagram user in a post that then propagated to site via OwnYourGram
@benwerd @saragoldrickrab @withknown @ev the teachers with us prefer tools that give students control over their data. #Digped
@benwerd @saragoldrickrab @ev And tools that don't too strictly dictate how we use them. @withknown was popular on those fronts. #digped
endi_ joined the channel
"How to do more with RSS feeds" (i.e. an article written expressly w/ me in mind) by @erinjo http://stream.withknown.com/2015/how-to-do-more-with-rss-feeds?fb_ref=Default
#bicycle #city #share #sharing #business #transit #startup #august #2015 Take my bike, please: Cycle-sharing .. https://mshook.withknown.com/2015/bicycle-city-share-sharing-business-transit-startup-august-2015-take
endi and tantek joined the channel
This was Known at @MatterVC Three's demo day. Good luck to Matter Five, who just started! https://twitter.com/withknown/status/631687060487671808/photo/1
benwerd joined the channel
endi_, endi and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2357 (master - eed7a4a : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2358 (master - fddd3a7 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2359 (master - 8bdcde5 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2360 (master - 1a1e59a : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
benwerd, endi and loic_m joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
RT @RSSCircus: [#RSS] #Known: a fully RSS and socially aware #opensource publishing platform (via @CleverClogs, by @withknown): http://t.co…
j12t and benwerd joined the channel
benwerd: gosh, you're up late :)
j12t and mapkycalog joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
benwerd and tantek joined the channel
Hmm... I wonder if it's possible to filter out posts on withknown.com without losing @withknown or #known etc...
or links to https?://(www.)?withknown.com
#parachute #spacex #airborne #factoid #space Airborne Systems developed ... (SpaceX) The Dragon EDLS consists of .. https://mshook.withknown.com/2015/parachute-spacex-airborne-factoid-spaceairborne-systems-developed-spacex-the-dragon
@CleverClogs dat komt omdat het een reactie van mij was. Meer info over mijn inzichten (engels) hier: https://tinokremer.withknown.com/2015/why-i-write-on-my-own-site-first
#wind #wave #energy #denmark Floating Power Plant -Sustainable Energy Power Plants - Poseidon's Organ .. https://mshook.withknown.com/2015/wind-wave-energy-denmarkfloating-power-plant--sustainable-energy-power-plants
!tell benwerd I think we might want to limit loki to just #known @withknown and https?://(www.)?withknown.com ... all these tweets from https://*.withknown.com are getting a little noisy
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
@slzemke @OnlineCrsLady @acroom I love the vision of @withknown It fits into the notion of curation + sharing. #NTPoC
RT @xplanarob: @slzemke @OnlineCrsLady @acroom I love the vision of @withknown It fits into the notion of curation + sharing. #NTPoC
j12t and loic_m joined the channel
Can we have "post-POSSE" for @withknown? imagine you publish something without POSSEing it for some reason, but .. https://1-m.cc/2015/can-we-have-post-posse-for-withknown-imagine-you-publish-something
j12t and TinoKremer joined the channel
setting up pages now at class Known site to help students & visitors understand what we're up to! http://onlinemythindia.lauragibbs.net/pages/about-this-site @acroom @withknown
j12t and cleverdevil joined the channel
@OnlineCrsLady @withknown I like it! 1 thing I would like with Pages is the ability to sort the menu. Seems like new pages auto float to top
cleverdevil joined the channel
any good treasure troves of Known tips out there? I'll be assembling tips list for my class! http://onlinemythindia.lauragibbs.net/pages/more-known-tips @withknown @acroom FUN!
KevinMarks joined the channel
Looking for some Known how-tos? Check out our Getting Started guide: https://withknown.com/guides/beginner/
RT @withknown: Looking for some Known how-tos? Check out our Getting Started guide: https://withknown.com/guides/beginner/
RT @withknown: Looking for some Known how-tos? Check out our Getting Started guide: https://withknown.com/guides/beginner/
"Facebook is where you lie to your friends. Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers." --Via Ryan .. https://erikstl.withknown.com/2015/facebook-is-where-you-lie-to-your-friends-twitter-is
benwerd joined the channel
Help build great software: a limited number of Known sponsorships are now open! Get in touch to learn more: https://withknown.com/contact/
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2361 (master - 3e36b23 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
RT @withknown: Help build great software: a limited number of Known sponsorships are now open! Get in touch to learn more: https://t.co/yCc…
RT @Weegee: "How to do more with RSS feeds" (i.e. an article written expressly w/ me in mind) by @erinjo http://stream.withknown.com/2015/how-to-do-more-with-rss-feeds?fb_ref=Default
It's all go with the notifications in here
benwerd: mapkyca left you a message 6 hours, 16 minutes ago: I think we might want to limit loki to just #known @withknown and https?://(www.)?withknown.com ... all these tweets from https://*.withknown.com are getting a little noisy
Potentially, yes
Also, I didn't realize we had Loqi messaging in here
RT @OnlineCrsLady: oh my gosh, HERE is the @withknown treasure trove I'm looking for: https://withknown.com/guides/beginner/ will add to tips list now! ht…
@withknown @acroom excellent! I will keep notes about how far I can take the Reclaim-hosted version. I am HOPING students will be enthused!
@withknown @acroom tomorrow I'll share my overall curation project plan: Ss will be mixing Blogger, Pinterest, Twitter, Known as they prefer
@withknown @acroom @ReclaimHosting Adam, who else is doing Known right now at OU? let me know: I would love to connect & share strategies!
@OnlineCrsLady @acroom Great! Our campus version can actually work on @ReclaimHosting, too. We love them.
@OnlineCrsLady @acroom More advanced user & post management are available with our campus software. We can also help customize :)
@acroom @withknown at top of my Known wishlist would be a dashboard to manage LOTS of posts ..as I expect to have LOTS of posts... :-)
@withknown Can standard members export data from a group blog w/out making them all administrators?
@withknown But not the open-source software? (My class using it just finished.)
@krisshaffer This is a feature of our class / campus platform. We'd love to talk it through with you.
من بين الاسباب لي خلاتني نكره المدرسة و النظام التكليخي .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--55
@withknown That would be a great addition, esp. in light of #digped discussions about group blogs.
@krisshaffer Not in the current version, but we've definitely discussed it for future versions.
tantek joined the channel