#known 2015-08-22

2015-08-22 UTC
tef, tantek, norguir and norguir1 joined the channel
norguir and norguir1 joined the channel
endi, norguir, j12t and loic_m joined the channel
في عام 2000 وقع واحد المشكل فالانتخابات الرئاسية فالماريكان في .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/-2000-
j12t, norguir, loic_m and benborges joined the channel
j12t and norguir joined the channel
كترات الهضرة على الاوسمة و لمن تعطاو, الماليك راه ما كيفهم تا .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--77
j12t joined the channel
endi joined the channel
RT @withknown: Class is starting soon! Get a last-minute online class space for just $6 a month. https://withknown.com/education/ #edtech
misuba joined the channel
so I’ve just lost a lengthy post to “exception: action tokens are invalid"
misuba: mapkyca left you a message 2 days, 10 hours ago: try the following patch https://github.com/idno/Known/pull/1019 - might help. Can't test end to end myself because of #1018, but it works up to the point the process runs out of memory :)
misuba: mapkyca left you a message 2 days, 4 hours ago: Ahh... looks like benwerd has merged that patch, so you could try pulling the latest.
i suspect because I tried to post it to twitter as well - annotations seem kinda generally horked, tho, even when I just want to comment locally
norguir and j12t joined the channel
oh hey, here’s a question: there’s UI on Admin/Import for importing from Blogger or WP, but what about the files you get from Admin/Export?
norguir joined the channel
although i am not even a fan of postgres right now tbh
"Podcasts are the future of radio - and a huge part of the future of storytelling on the web" http://stream.withknown.com/2015/podcasts-are-the-future-of-radio---and-a-huge
I don’t know how real it is that Mongo is the cause of my annotation/action-token-whetever problems, but.
Anyway I hope everyone is having a pleasant day wherever they are
j12t joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
@cleverdevil @withknown let me know when I can get that with a one click installer ;)
@doughellmann I've spoked to @withknown about potentially offering that...
misuba: sorry to hear that. I think tokens aren't really handled as gracefully as they could be (see #1022)
!tell benwerd kicked some anti-scriptkiddie stuff your way + access tokens look like they need a tweak (see #1022)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell misuba: sorry to hear that. I think tokens aren't really handled as gracefully as they could be (see #1022)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next