#known 2015-08-24

2015-08-24 UTC
@withknown idea: "Gallery" post type, with https://github.com/blueimp/Bootstrap-Image-Gallery for rendering and browsing photos. Thoughts? /cc @benwerd
norguir, tantek, tvn and j12t joined the channel
j12t, loic_m, tommorris, tantek and norguir joined the channel
@cleverdevil This is probably our single most requested feature. Hadn't seen this gallery before - will take a look! @withknown
@benwerd I hope so too because I'm rooting for @withknown so hard!
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
@benwerd @cleverdevil @withknown Looks interesting, but does it allow for categorising the images?
j12t, loic_m and norguir joined the channel
edpw, j12t, benwerd, tantek and tvn_ joined the channel
@benwerd @withknown will likely require some core changes, not just a plugin, though I suppose I could just implement with attachments?
cleverdevil joined the channel
@cleverdevil I think it'll require core changes not least to support multiple uploads with upload status. Taking to mailing list! @withknown
^^ I had multiple people ask me about this yesterday
Both online and IRL
benwerd: mapkyca left you a message on 8/21 at 12:17pm: yo, you need to get a better internet connection, or learn how to use screen ;)
benwerd: mapkyca left you a message on 8/22 at 3:57pm: kicked some anti-scriptkiddie stuff your way + access tokens look like they need a tweak (see #1022)
Ha, mapkyca: I'm in a wooden house in Cape Cod for the next week, so my Internet access is not completely cohesive. Back to normal from Saturday.
benwerd: no worries
looks like you're having a nice time :)
Aye, I'm working as normal, but it's nice to jump in a boat or go for a swim before and after
Could get used to this ;)
any reason that can't just be life?
Mostly because this house is only inhabitable for four months a year (gets cold and isn't winterized) and comfortable waterfront property is like $2m
But maybe one day ;)
Berkeley is not the worst place in the world to be. I walk out to the rose garden on most evenings to watch the sun set over the bay. Exercise + meditation.
s/meditation/chilling out like a normal person ;)
could you not spend a summer winterising the place?
sounds like a nice project to get you away from the screen
benwerd: so, what do you think about the gallery feature from an implementation perspective.
I was thinking of cloning the Photo plugin.
and then making it possible to upload multiple "attachments"
but, this seems like maybe the wrong way to do it...
the display side of things is only half the puzzle... management, re-ordering, etc.
cleverdevil: I'd be inclined to _expand_ the photo plugin to support multiple attachments. I really hate the way thumbnails work right now in it, so it's also a reasonable opportunity to fix that.
that makes a lot of sense.
I think there's nothing wrong with multiple attachments - but there's a _lot_ of extra work involved. Management and re-ordering, for sure. I also think you need the ability to drag multiple photos in and upload them.
That last piece may be the most important. Finding a way to upload files more effectively on a parallel track to using the site would be a very good thing - the simple HTTP POST call right now kind of sucks.
It's much more satisfying to see the progress of your upload
And it becomes vital if you're uploading (eg) 100mb of photos
I'd say that upload component is the first thing to fix. And then management and re-ordering. I think the _presentation_ component of the Bootstrap album that you linked to looks totally great - need to test that on mobile a little, but it could integrate well.
that might be a smarter step one: just making it possible to upload more than one photo and do the management.
I can pretty easily help with the presentation side.
There's a lot of code to do JS uploads + session uploads in later versions of PHP. Initial post creates stub entity then uploads happen in the background while you edit - kind of like how youtube does it.
I am not super confident on the management/upload side, personally.
still knocking the rust off my PHP :P
I hate being a beggar when it comes to features... I am usually much happier just contributing!
This one's been a big request for a long time
We'll make it happen - and it may also require some attachment rewriting
take a look at my flickr importer, that replicates sets and collections (albums) with the current photo plugin. Obvs needs a better management system, but I think the basic data structure is sound.
@austinchanning I tried Flipboard, Pinterest, Evernote, google docs & others and have settled on https://withknown.com/ for this purpose
cleverdevil joined the channel
@SunFoundation Sorry to hear about Politwoops. Let us know at @withknown if we can help find it a new home.
benwerd has 88 karma
j12t, edpw and edpw1 joined the channel
@austinchanning withknown is codebase behind http://t.co/qEwLrIV8Nj..but I haven't updated the site in a while. The dev team (ben) is great
tvn joined the channel
@verywhiteguy The dev team is more than just me, I promise! @erinjo, and then an amazing open source community. @withknown
tantek joined the channel
Thank you @benwerd for the correction esp as I inadvertently erased the contributions of a woman! @erinjo @withknown
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2400 (master - ff069ea : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
كفي من هاد التفاهة ديال تصنيف الاحزاب فالمغريب كيسار او يمين, .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--81
benwerd and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel