#known 2015-09-03

2015-09-03 UTC
Twitter blocked my twitter app that talks with known
sensiblemn: oh wow! I don't think that's happened before with indieweb apps
sensiblemn: any indication why it happened?
i was using it for two different things, so it might have been the other thing.
along with Known
i would just mass unfollow everyone who didn't follow me back every 3 or 4 weeks or so
i doubt that's against their terms of service, but idk
they didn't fully block my app, they just restricted it from performing write actions
Imagine building a real-life product - and getting feedback - as part of your class. We'd love to help with this. https://twitter.com/withknown/status/639236212402733057
Creating open source software is a great way to teach technology and support your needs. We can help! Get in touch for details. #edtech
i just filed a ticket, but i might have to wait days to hear back. this is lame
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loic_m joined the channel
sensiblemn: sucks, sorry to hear that. If it was Known, and twitter give you details as to their reasoning, it'd be handy to know...
loic_m joined the channel
آخر ستاتو على اللاجئين السوريين: واش دابا واش كيصحب ليكم .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--96
tvn and travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#57 (master - 484c9f5 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
I listen to quite a few podcasts, here's one I found recently that I like. BBC doing a fairly straightforward .. https://kflanagan.withknown.com/2015/i-listen-to-quite-a-few-podcasts-heres-one-i
loic_m, edpw and norguir joined the channel
No level of #alcohol is good: "Surprising finding from heart study: Moderate drinking may have ‘cardiotoxic’ .. https://jasrandal.withknown.com/2015/no-level-of-alcohol-is-good-surprising-finding-from-heart
For the benefit of the tape, I wrote some quick docs on how to use sqlite with Known: https://www.marcus-povey.co.uk/2015/09/03/sqlite3-support-for-known/
cleverdevil joined the channel
cleverdevil, norguir and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2432 (master - 0a0b138 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2433 (master - 75506b9 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
is the Markdown plugin included with Known now, or is it unbundled still?
tantek joined the channel
!tell cleverdevil Which one? There are two - the known team one and the one I wrote before them (i think Ben wasn't watching my feed ;) )... moot point I guess, neither are bundled. Mine is at https://github.com/mapkyca/IdnoMarkdown
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next