#known 2015-09-16

2015-09-16 UTC
KevinMarks and j12t joined the channel
j12t, loic_m, norguir, KevinMarks, mapkyca, mapkycalog and norguir1 joined the channel
"Dass nur biologisch männliche Acts vertreten sind, sei Zufall, betont Blanco, künftig dürfe man auch mit .. https://drikkes.withknown.com/2015/dass-nur-biologisch-mnnliche-acts-vertreten-sind-sei-zufall-betont
norguir and j12t joined the channel
Posting from Known (https://keybits.withknown.com/) And should really do so all the time from now on!
j12t, norguir1 and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
RT @singpolyma: My tweets come from my own website. Consider using https://withknown.com or https://quitter.se/ to power your tweets t…
j12t and loic_m joined the channel
j12t, norguir and tantek joined the channel
RT @withknown: @krisshaffer Yup, we've got lots of RSS feeds built in. You can get a feed for all of your content at .. http://t.co/LbZ0Jk…
norguir joined the channel
#Mastery1 #Mastery3 #Mastery7 #Mastery10 #Mastery15 #Mastery16 and #Mastery17 @ken_bauer Completed https://marcobackyard.withknown.com/
KevinMarks, norguir1, cleverdevil, tantek, j12t and loic_m joined the channel
kylewm: that is pretty sweet, it worked!
thnx a bunch!
j12t_ joined the channel
j12t joined the channel