#known 2015-09-19

2015-09-19 UTC
norguir, loic_m and mapkyca joined the channel
We also need to bring values to the tools we choose. I try to rely on open source @withknown @hypothes_is @MozTeach #satchat
endi joined the channel
RT @jgmac1106: We also need to bring values to the tools we choose. I try to rely on open source @withknown @hypothes_is @MozTeach #satchat
endi_ joined the channel
Please share... if the US government insists on highlighting its extreme punishment of people who expose war .. https://mlncn.withknown.com/2015/please-share-if-the-us-government-insists-on-highlighting-its
Please share... if the US government insists on highlighting its extreme punishment of people who expose war .. https://mlncn.withknown.com/2015/please-share-if-the-us-government-insists-on-highlighting-its-1
Please share... if the US government insists on highlighting its extreme punishment of people who expose war .. https://mlncn.withknown.com/2015/please-share-if-the-us-government-insists-on-highlighting-its-2
endi joined the channel