#known 2015-09-24

2015-09-24 UTC
ben_thatmustbeme, tantek, KevinMarks, loic_m, norguir, Veeyawn, norguir1, raucao and mapkycaweb joined the channel
There have been a couple of changes to the @withknown API, so I updated my introduction: http://mapkyc.me/1KBKeze
rhiaro_, rhiaro__, cleverdevil, KevinMarks, cleverdevil-, jfred and Veeyawn joined the channel
I imagine this is mostly developer chat but I'm wondering if anyone has noticed that crossposting to Facebook works and adds the post to my timeline but no one sees it despite it being public...I'm running a self hosted instance of Known.
If there's a better channel for this sort of thing I apologize and will take it there.
Veeyawn and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel