#known 2015-10-06

2015-10-06 UTC
davidmead joined the channel
benwerd trying to install Known to domain.com/blog and it can’t find http://davidjohnmead.com/blog/begin/register. Displays “Ruh roh This resource doesn't exist. We're sorry.” and I’m then stuck in a loop. Ideas?
KevinMarks and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2513 (master - 3e23385 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
!tell davidmead I just tested the mechanism and it _should_ be working. Which version of PHP are you using, out of interest?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, norguir, jfred, j12t, benwerd and travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#63 (master - 3e23385 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
norguir, benwerd, j12t, davidmead, norguir1, loic_m, cleverdevil, tantek and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2515 (master - f9b972f : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
j12t, tantek and loic_m joined the channel
benwerd just to confirm we can now install Known into a folder on a domain (domain.com/blog) and not just a sub-domain. https://github.com/idno/Known/issues/563
davidmead: benwerd left you a message on 10/5 at 9:32pm: I just tested the mechanism and it _should_ be working. Which version of PHP are you using, out of interest?
benwerd I’ve got 5.5.21 CGI (latest) set as the PHP on my domain
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2516 (master - 10002dc : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
j12t, loic_m, cleverdevil, RamenJunkie, sensiblemn, tantek, mapkycalog and travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#64 (master - 10002dc : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
tommorris and mattl joined the channel