#known 2015-10-15

2015-10-15 UTC
tantek, kevinmarks, davidmead, misuba and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2555 (master - 9283130 : Erin Jo Richey): The build passed.
loic_m, tantek, j12t, kevinmarks, misuba and dosch joined the channel
heya, I saw that known 0.8.5 was released but can;t seem to locate the release notes. Anyone here who can tell me what is new?
(and congrats on the release btw :-) )
benwerd joined the channel
kylewm: thnx!
do you maybe also know if there are already themes other then the ones pre-packaged with Known?
not that I know of. iirc, they just recently switched to a new frontend model that's not so tightly tied to bootstrap
so hopefully that will spur theme developers to get into it!
tantek joined the channel
yeah, would be really nice to have some more choices. Anyway, I really like where Known is going. Already use it on four websites and considering to move my main blog from WordPress to Known :-)
kevinmarks, ben_thatmust and jfred__ joined the channel