#known 2015-11-24

2015-11-24 UTC
tantek, funwhilelost and tantek_ joined the channel
hey all, I'm working on a family implementation of a known site (stefanovski.io) and I'm trying to find a way to have no profile show when no user is logged in
as in I want "/" to go straight into the stream of 4-6 users' content with no profiles shown
endi, funwhilelost, tantek, loic_m, j12t, Tino, benwerd and cleverdevil joined the channel
benwerd, I'm not sure if it's my setup, but I updated my site the other day to the latest github commit and I noticed webmentions were not working correctly. I was replying to your site, but the comment did not appear. First I thought it was a glitch, but when it happened again I reverted back to the 0.8.5 you provide on withknown.com. If it helps I can do it again and investigate logs and such.
Tino: oh, that's good feedback. Thank you. I'll take a look at the very latest (we have changed a few things).
cleverdevil, loic_m, benwerd and tantek joined the channel