#known 2016-06-10

2016-06-10 UTC
xavierroy joined the channel
Anything in the logs?
jmonroe joined the channel
Welcome jmonroe! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like benwerd, mapkyca, and kylewm) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try posting on our development mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/known-dev or just try coming back later.
ben_thatmustbeme: it's true that your h-card shows up on the homepage now when known is in single user, but the authorization_endpoint still identifies you by your /profile/kyle url
tantek, j12t, j12t_, loic_m, mapkyca and mapkycalog joined the channel
Welcome mapkycalog! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like benwerd, mapkyca, and kylewm) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try posting on our development mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/known-dev or just try coming back later.
loic_m, xavierroy and tantek joined the channel
thanks for diagnosing that page handler issue kylewm!
sensiblemn_: sure, I still don't quite understand if the Known should be handling the subdirectory of whether nginx should (making Known think it's running at the root?)
is this a problem for apache users too?
no clue, do we know any apache users running in a subdir?
my guess is that it is also a problem for them
nor i, david mead wanted to I think, but ended up switching back to wordpress
i think that my friend cassie, who you might have met at the summit, could maybe do some testing
I did meet her!
i'll see if she can spin up an apache known subdirectory with bridgy thing and report back in the github issue
wholewheattoast joined the channel
Welcome wholewheattoast! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like benwerd, mapkyca, and kylewm) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try posting on our development mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/known-dev or just try coming back later.
she's gonna try to spin that up in the next few days kylewm
and she'll report back on the github ticket
tantek joined the channel