2016-07-04 UTC
KevinMarks, tantek, loic_m, j12t, ben_thatmustbeme and leg joined the channel
# 17:01 leg Hi: does Know support multiple languages?
# 17:03 tantek leg, what do you mean by "support multiple languages"? Could you describe what you are trying to do?
# 17:07 leg I want to use Know for a site, where we have Spanish, German, Dutch and even English audience.
# 17:07 leg So Known should be able to speak multiple languages and we want some content to be present in different languages and switchable between them.
# 17:15 tantek leg, do you mean muiltiple languages in a post? or presenting multiple (translated?) versions of *a* post?
# 17:30 leg a) The UI of Known should be switchable.
# 17:30 leg b) translated versions of a post.
# 17:33 leg Posts should have a "language" property. And the user should be presented the option to read a translations into other languages if there are some.
# 17:34 leg However I think, the most critical factor is the ability to switch Knows *UI* to other languages.
tantek joined the channel
# 17:37 tantek I'm not sure if they're each supported yet - but definitely worth filing a feature request for
tantek_, tantek and sknebel joined the channel