knownchatwelcomeWelcome M-PeterVgner! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like benwerd, mapkyca, and kylewm) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try posting on our development mailing list at!forum/known-dev or just try coming back later.
pvagnerHello, I'm looking into installing known on my own. The thing I can't handle my self is how to make rewrite rules to work for lighttpd. Is here someone who is running known with lighttpd please?
pvagnerrMdes: Can you at least better understand these rules than me? I would try converting them manually either from nginks example config or apache .htaccess. I do have difficulties understanding what the redirects pointing to the css and js folders and the files inside are supposed to do.
knownchatwelcomeWelcome pvagner! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like benwerd, mapkyca, and kylewm) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try posting on our development mailing list at!forum/known-dev or just try coming back later.
loic_m_, loic_m__, tantek and Loqi_ joined the channel