#known 2016-07-19

2016-07-19 UTC
davidmead, tantek and j12t joined the channel
Thank you Twitter, for "shortening" my link in a perfect 140-char tweet to a longer one, so that @withknown has to cut it off and link it.
loicm_, j12t, rMdes, rMdes_ and John_Duh joined the channel
Welcome John_Duh! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like benwerd, mapkyca, and kylewm) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try posting on our development mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/known-dev or just try coming back later.
j12t, tantek and rMdes joined the channel
@mattervc @KQED @withknown Thanks for sharing! We're excited to bring more digital media into the classroom. #profdev #edtech #KQEDTeach
j12t_, tantek, rMdes_ and snarfed joined the channel
Welcome snarfed! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like benwerd, mapkyca, and kylewm) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try posting on our development mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/known-dev or just try coming back later.
anyone here run mongo for known on AWS and have any tips?
(i'm setting up a mongo on AWS myself, for something else)
loicm_ and snarfed1 joined the channel
Welcome snarfed1! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I thought I'd say hello, and ping some people (like benwerd, mapkyca, and kylewm) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try posting on our development mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/known-dev or just try coming back later.
tantek joined the channel