#known 2016-07-23

2016-07-23 UTC
tantek and j12t_ joined the channel
is there a reacji plugin for Known? (one that displays reacji comments like Slack does, tallied up, instead of like "normal" comments)
I've updated Twitter, LinkedIn and Reactions to the latest on @withknown
j12t, loicm and tantek joined the channel
https://withknown.com - A single website for all your content. #linux_everyday
j12t joined the channel
!tell tantek there is mapkyca Emoji plugin but not sure it handles reacji too, code here https://github.com/mapkyca/KnownEmoji able to display facebook emojis via bridgy backfeed I think
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t joined the channel
@RikMende great post, Rick! I especially appreciated the plugins section. Iā€™m working on getting @withknown set up myself.
j12t and John_Duh_ joined the channel
j12t, loicm, tantek and misuba joined the channel
https://withknown.com - A single website for all your content. #linux_everyday