#known 2016-07-26

2016-07-26 UTC
ben_thatmust joined the channel
Current status: dicking around with Linux, so I can hack on @withknown, because other people can run it without dicking around with Linux.
tantek, j12t and mapkyca joined the channel
damn lurgy
Al Lurgy? He sucks
j12t joined the channel
pvagner joined the channel
@RikMende @withknown did you have to do any cleanup? I’m moving mine and the domain is changing and I’m afraid of broken images/links.
@timweston I guess you could edit your exported data and change domain path if needed, but confirm with -> @withknown @benwerd
@RikMende @withknown @benwerd thanks; I tweeted Ben late last night. I'm also concerned about duplicate user accounts, etc.
rMdes, j12t and loicm joined the channel
Clean up the URLs in your @withknown profile with the awesome ShortProfile plugin! https://github.com/egoexpress/known-shortprofile
j12t joined the channel
j12t, tantek, rMdes_, loicm, Loqi and aaronpk joined the channel