2016-09-07 UTC
tantek, loicm_, ben_thatmustbeme, mapkyca, mapkycalog, j12t and cweiske joined the channel
# 20:55 cweiske Hi. I'm trying to connect my micropub client to my local known and get a "400 bad request"/"unrecognized code." response from known when trying to fetch the access token
# 21:06 aaronpk it should be able to just exchange it for an access token before verifying it
# 21:06 aaronpk oh interesting... you actually need the token response to include the final "me" value then
# 21:07 cweiske and if the access token request (which contains me) is successful, then I could assume that the me value sent by the user is correct
# 21:12 cweiske now it works. like and reply on known with shpub!
tantek joined the channel