#j12tFresh installation. Missing http://host/js/2016042301/default.js and a few others in that directory. I see the files, but they are below js/, not js/2016042301/. What am I doing wrong?
#pvagnerj12t: I think there are some funky rewrite rules. It depends which server you are using. I think apache config is in the .htaccess, nginx config is somewhere on the wiki and if you are using lighttpd, I can look up my config for you after a while if you do need it.
#j12tpvagner: ah, I will look in that direction. Funky, indeed.
#j12tpvagner: you were correct. there were some updates to the .htaccess file I had missed. We have a modified copy in UBOS because we run Apache 2.4 and it doesn't like the Allow keyword any more