#known 2016-11-02

2016-11-02 UTC
tantek, cweiske, j12t and mapkyca joined the channel
@withknown Help? I am trying to delete my free site https://mdvfunes.withknown.com Can you help? Fine to delete as is. TY
j12t, loicm_ and tantek joined the channel
@mdvfunes Absolutely. Please take a data export if you haven't already. We'll flag it for deletion by the end of the day.
j12t joined the channel
really impressed with @withknown's customer service and attitude
funwhilelost joined the channel
@withknown Thank you. Data exported, posts republished. Easy! Delete any time.
withknown has 1 karma in this channel (2 overall)
@withknown plan to use in my own domain with @ReclaimHosting as a review digital footprint. I enjoy using it a lot! TY for my free try :)
@francesbell my @withknown site will be deleted soon Have data but in case you want to grab any of my comments B4 they delete Letting U know
@withknown ^^^ why not offer to redirect their permalinks to their own domain?
@EatPodcast soo I read the withknown twitter profile and am none the wiser
tantek joined the channel