#known 2016-11-08

2016-11-08 UTC
davidmead, funwhilelost, loicm_ and tantek joined the channel
@withknown there is any way to upload batch photos in a single folder, instead of one by one?
@offrayLC No, unfortunately not. The image content type is really designed for sharing individual images, not for creating albums.
@withknown Thanks. I have added them to https://archive.org with their batch functionality. https://archive.org/details/20161103154728 #AbreLatam2016
tantek and sensiblemn joined the channel
@CaptainKurtis @HerraBRE it is (or was?) definitely in line with the vision for @withknown. @benwerd says almost the same thing re: search
IBM Watson launched their 1st app for educators, putting AI to work to help teachers understand student performance. https://www.edsurge.com/news/2016-11-01-ibm-watson-launches-first-mobile-app-for-education
@kylewmahan @CaptainKurtis @HerraBRE @withknown I have complicated opinions about this. Almost impossible to achieve on shared hosting.