#known 2016-11-14

2016-11-14 UTC
anyone know if you can configure POSSE options on a Known install on the mobile web UI? and if so where?
hmm - can't even find POSSE / syndication options in the "normal" web UI
j12t, tantek and loicm joined the channel
God I hate Twitter's ridiculous character limits/math. 125 chars + 1 image > 140 chars I guess. Or maybe @withknown truncated. Dunno. Bah.
If you're at #elearnconf today, Known co-founder @benwerd is speaking about creating user-centered learning networks at 1:30 pm.
j12t, tantek and loicm joined the channel
#elearnconf If you want to learn more about design thinking or community learning platforms, come visit our poster table tomorrow afternoon.
tantek joined the channel