#known 2016-12-15

2016-12-15 UTC
funwhilelost, j12t and mapkyca joined the channel
mapkyca: thanks, that's what I was hoping… I fully understand that as a company, known would develop extra bits for paying customers (they should be able to make a living from paying customers), I was just worried that the whole was “open core” crap where as soon as you want to do anything actually useful, you need to add proprietary components.
fauxpen source, as some call it :)
j12t joined the channel
(to add to my first sentence, they could develop those extra bits under free licenses, but that is sometimes harder to understand for the paying customers)
j12t and loicm_ joined the channel
axx_ well, I know for a certainty there's no kind of bait-and-switch being planned ;) but there's no way to guarantee that the particular "something useful" that you want to specifically do will be done by a FLOSS plugin. The platform is FLOSS, and there are zero plans to make the whole thing proprietary, and even if there were it couldn't be done retrospectively.
tbh I think folk spend too much time stressing about this sort of thing in the FLOSS community - surely the biggest threat to a project's longevity is that nobody can afford to build it? ;)
tantek and j12t joined the channel